Norwegian version of this page
Completed project

Securing integration of refugees in Norway (INTERFLY)

The aim of this project is to identify methods and integration measures that work for different groups. A key question is how the integration programs can best be adapted to the changing composition of refugee groups arriving in Norway.

Project period December 2021–December 2023
Project employer Integrerings- og mangfoldsdirektoratet (IMDi)
Project nr. 10627
Project leader Jan-Paul Brekke
Illustrasjon av et verdenskart med mange mennesker på

Refugees who settle in Norwegian municipalities have different basis for integration. This has consequences for how Norwegian authorities and local actors best can contribute to ensuring that the path to an active life in Norway is as efficient as possible.

The aim of this project is to identify methods and integration measures that work for different groups. A key question is how the integration programs can best be adapted to the changing composition of refugee groups arriving in Norway.

For example, refugees from Ukraine may require different integration programs than resettled UN-refugees, or refugees who have successfully applied for asylum. In recent years, resettled refugees have been more numerous than the latter category.

In this study, we look at how national authorities, municipalities and other actors facilitate local integration. We use survey methodology to provide an overview of types of measures and adaptations in the municipalities, do interviews in five case municipalities, additional interviews with national authorities, and with individual refugees. This data material is supplemented with available statistics and register data.


Brekke, Jan-Paul; Damsa, Dorina; Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum; Hansen, Vibeke Wøien; Liden, Hilde; Paasche, Erlend; Rogne, Adrian Farner; Røed, Marianne & Trætteberg, Håkon Solbu (2024). Facilitating integration for refugees in Norway. Institute for Social Research. Report 2024:3. Full text in Research Archive.


Jan-Paul Brekke Dr. polit. Research Director, Equality, inclusion, migration +47 918 79 903 Send e-mail
Dorina Damsa PhD Senior Research Fellow +47 93 971 760 Send e-mail
Kathinka Fossum Evertsen PhD Senior Research Fellow +47 901 64 108 Send e-mail
Vibeke Wøien Hansen PhD Senior Research Fellow +47 920 27 149 Send e-mail
Hilde Lidén Dr. polit. Research Professor Emeritus +47 951 23 660 Send e-mail
Erlend Paasche PhD Senior Research Fellow +47 474 01 216 Send e-mail
Marianne Røed Dr. polit. Research Professor +47 480 39 594 Send e-mail
Håkon Solbu Trætteberg PhD Senior Research Fellow +47 920 54 308 Send e-mail
Tags: Migration and integration
Published Apr. 25, 2022 1:14 PM - Last modified May 6, 2024 8:42 AM