Kathinka Fossum Evertsen

Image of Kathinka Fossum Evertsen
Norwegian version of this page
Position Senior Research Fellow
Degree PhD
Contact +47 901 64 108 k.f.evertsen@samfunnsforskning.no

Kathinka holds a Ph.D. in sociology from Nord University, Norway and a master’s degree in human rights and humanitarian action from SciencesPo, France. She has been a visiting research fellow at the Centre for Gender and Disaster at University College London (UCL).

Kathinka is interested in the knowledge production in relation to migration, gender, aid, and climate change, as well as the politics that shape how these issues are understood and how they intersect. In her work, Kathinka is inspired by political ecology, critical development studies, feminist and postcolonial studies. Geographically, her focus mainly on Bangladesh and Norway.

Currently, Kathinka is partaking in an international research project exploring how climate change adaptation programs interact with gendered processes of dispossession in coastal areas in Bangladesh, Ghana and the Philippines.

Tags: Migration and integration, Gender Equality


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  • Liden, Hilde; Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum; Brekke, Jan-Paul & Hoen, Maria Forthun (2024). Kvinner og deres barn holdt tilbake mot sin vilje i utlandet. Fenomenforståelse og mulig bistand. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive
  • Brekke, Jan-Paul; Damsa, Dorina; Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum; Hansen, Vibeke Wøien; Liden, Hilde & Paasche, Erlend [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2024). Tilrettelegging for integrering av flyktninger i Norge. Organisering, tiltak og erfaringer. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive

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  • Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum (2022). Den (klima)tilpasningsdyktige kvinnen . Fett. 3.
  • Hasan, Mubashar & Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum (2021). Bangladesh at 50: development without democracy? Policydevblog.
  • Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum (2020). Stues bort på en utsatt øy. Klassekampen.
  • Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum (2020). Covid-19 synliggjør akademisk ufrihet i Bangladesh. sosiologen.no.
  • Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum (2019). Ny redaktør for "Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift". sosiologen.no.
  • Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum (2019). Mangler vi innsideforståelse av asylsystemet? sosiologen.no.
  • Halvorsen, Pål; Skauge, Mads ; Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum; Kristensen, Christian Li & Blaalid, Bjørnar (2019). Dette er Bodø-sosiologien! . sosiologen.no.
  • Spector, Julian & Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum (2015). What Will Become of the Climate-Change Refugees? . [Newspaper]. The Atlantic.
  • Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum (2015). Female environmental migration in Bangladesh: A triple burden.
  • Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum (2015). Burundi: Valg kritisk for en hel region. Klassekampen.
  • Spector, Julian & Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum (2015). Why COP21 Won't Solve the 'Climate Refugee' Problem. [Newspaper]. Citylab.
  • Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum (2015). Værutsatt i Bangladesh - uten en plan. Bistandsaktuelt.
  • Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum (2014). Demokrati for diktatur? . Morgenbladet.

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Published May 9, 2022 10:55 AM - Last modified June 25, 2024 10:41 AM