Norwegian version of this page
Completed project

Funding and framework conditions

Project period 2016–2017
Project employer Kulturdepartementet, Barne-, likestillings- og inkluderingsdepartementet, Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet, Arbeids- og sosialdepartementet
Project nr. 10023.5

Considerable and rapid changes in the sources of income of voluntary organisations are taking place. It may be sufficient to mention the disappearance of gambling machine income, a gradual escalation toward full VAT compensation, national lotteries that are outcompeted by Norwegian Tipping and increased income from gifts and sponsorships in several categories of organisations. In many instances, such changes may affect different organisations such that they reinforce each other or weaken each other. Also, in many cases, such changes have incentive effects that result in the organisations adapting in a more or less desirable direction. The question to be answered in this study is how small, medium and large organisations in various categories are affected  by changes in sources of income and framework conditions.

The project will consist of a completion and analysis of a separate economic survey to be able to say something more specific about how small, medium and large organisations are affected by changes in sources of income and framework conditions. The accounting figures are supplemented with interviews about income changes with directors or financial managers in organisations that exemplify the development of organisations of different sizes and within different categories.




Karl Henrik Sivesind Dr. polit. Research Professor +47 997 06 127 Send e-mail
Daniel Stoltenberg PhD Senior Research Fellow +47 415 57 586 Send e-mail
Tags: Civil Society
Published May 25, 2017 9:50 PM - Last modified Feb. 26, 2024 2:50 PM