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About the Centre

The Centre for Research on Civil Society and Voluntary Sector is a collaboration between the Institute for Social Research and NORCE Norwegian Research Centre. Since its establishment in 2008, the centre’s objective has been to conduct independent and socially relevant research on voluntary engagement and voluntary organisations in Norway.

The following four main topics are priority research areas at the centre:

The centre develops and disseminates research-driven knowledge about these topics to decision-makers, other researchers and the general public. In addition to publishing reports, scientific articles, chapters in books and books, our researchers communicate their findings and analyses through op-ed articles, seminars, talks and participation in public debate.

The Centre for Research on Civil Society and Voluntary Sector is funded by the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, the Ministry of Health and Care Services, the Ministry of Children and Equality, and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

Published June 7, 2017 12:27 PM - Last modified May 10, 2021 2:40 PM