Collaboration agreement offers new possibilities for volunteering research

The Center for research on civil society and voluntary sector and the Norwegian Citizen Panel recently signed a collaboration agreement. The collaboration will contribute to new data on Norwegian’s attitude towards volunteering and participation in the voluntary sector.

The Norwegian Citizen Panel

The Norwegian Citizen Panelis a web-based opinion survey of the Norwegian population oriented toward important societal matters, run by social scientists from the University of Bergen and The Rokkan Center since 2013. The Panel’s participants are randomly recruited from the National Registry and represent a cross-section of the Norwegian population.  Twice a year they are invited to give their opinion on important issues to Norwegian society and politics. The participants in the panel are followed up over time, a feature which contributes to establishing a better foundation for studying attitude changes and the underlying causes of these types of changes in Norway.

The Voluntary Group

In June 2014, the Centre for Research on Civil Society and Voluntary Sector entered into a collaboration agreement with the Norwegian Citizen Panel. The agreement involves the establishment of a new research group in the Panel- the Voluntary Group- which purpose is to elaborate questions for the Panel and analyze collected data. During the period 2014-2017, the NMP will put about 1500 respondents and approximately 10 minutes of every survey at disposal for the Voluntary Group. The collaboration will offer new and exciting possibilities for the Center’s research in the future.

The Voluntary Group consists of Bernard Enjolras, Dag Wollebæk og Rune Karlsen from the Institute for Social Research, and  Kristin Strømsnes, Dag Arne Christensenog Ivar Eimhjellenfrom Uni Rokkan Centre. Kristin Strømsnes is the project leader.

Read more about the Norwegian Citizen Panel here.



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Publisert 11. aug. 2014 10:42 - Sist endret 19. des. 2017 13:43