Welcome to the Centre for Research on Civil Society and Voluntary Sector

The Centre is a partnership between the Institute for Social Research (ISF) and the Stein Rokkan Centre for Social Studies. This website is the Centre’s knowledge base where researchers, representatives of voluntary organisations and other interested people can discuss and find useful literature and information about the subject.

The Centre is financed by the Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs and key research areas are participation, transitional processes and financing and framework conditions.
Under ‘Projects’ you will find information on our ongoing and planned research projects and the researchers who work on these. As the projects proceed, you will also find research findings published on this website.
In the meantime please visit our forum where you can discuss with other visitors or ask one of the researchers a question.

If you need information on volunteerism and civil society you will find the ‘Resources' section useful where we have collected various publications from both ISF and the Rokkan Centre. In addition, there is an annotated bibliography where you will find full-text versions of several of external publications. We have also linked to places where you can obtain publications where a full-text version is not been available. The bibliography is constantly expanded and updated so we recommend you stop by here on a regular basis.

for more information about the centre

Av Luisa Klaveness (lkl@samfunnsforskning.no)
Publisert 1. jan. 1970 01:00