Making Europe’s third sector visible

Researchers, practitioners and experts gathered in Bologna this week to launch a 3-year long research project about the Third sector in Europe.

- It’s good to see that the project has now been properly launched and the research can begin, in the years to come we will see extensive research and knowledge gathering on the Third Sector in Europe, says Bernard Enjolras, head of research at The Institute for Social Research and leader of the EU-project «Third Sector Impact (TSI)» that was launched in Bologna this week.

The project is headed by Institute for Social research and performed in cooperation with 13 other research institutes in Europe.

Renewable resource

While it is considered an endless source of ‘renewable resources’ for social and economic problem-solving and civic engagement in Europe, the Third Sector faces conceptual ambiguity, lack of statistical recognition and misunderstanding of its real impacts and hindering barriers.

The twenty-five researchers from 14 European research institutes and the over 100 stakeholders involved in the Third Sector Impact (TSI) project are determined to address these questions. Ultimately, they want to make visible a sector that generates ‘renewable resources’ for economic development and social cohesion in Europe. Indeed, there is a long-standing European tradition of Third Sector practice and research so some stock-taking is a must, while new research is generated to cast some light on the sector, particularly at a time of social and economic distress and enormous pressures on governmental budgets.

Read the press release from the meeting in Bologna here:

Read former article on the project here:

Institute for social research is to lead a new EU-project on the third sector

Av Kullerud Hilde (
Publisert 24. jan. 2014 10:08