Call for papers: The voluntary sector in the Nordic countries

To a parallel session at the conferenceThe voluntary sector in the Nordic countries - Change agents and contract partners?the Centre for Research on Voluntary Sector and Civil Society invites papers from researchers and PhD students on the changing role of the voluntary sector as part of civil society in the Nordic countries.  Papers may be presented in Scandinavian languages as well as in English. Submission deadline is31 March 2011

The voluntary sectors in the Nordic countries are characterized by a high level of membership and volunteering, in particular in sports, culture and recreation. In addition, the provision of welfare services is limited in comparative perspective.

Although the traditional popular movements with labour, fishermen, farmers, lay Christian, temperance and social and humanitarian associations have lost momentum, voluntary organizations are still important dialogue partners in policymaking in the welfare field and contribute to significant changes in policy areas like environment, gender, immigration, disabled people etc. However, reasons for volunteering tend to become more instrumental and new organizations are more oriented towards local community and recreational services and less towards social change.

At the same time the voluntary organizations’ role as welfare providers is under pressure from a more market oriented governance approach. Stable frame agreements have been replaced by open tenders and increased competition from for-profit actors as well as from the public sector. Social entrepreneurship, social economy and corporate social responsibility are signs of a search for new welfare solutions.

  • Is the voluntary sector loosing ground, or is it growing in new areas?

  • How does the intensified competition about contracts affect the organizations role as change agents and as advocates for vulnerable groups in society?

  • Is the voluntary sector’s democratic importance and civil society role threatened by individualization and service-orientation?

We invite papers from researchers and PhD students on the changing role of the voluntary sector as part of civil society in the Nordic countries.

A scientific committee will evaluate abstracts and select papers to be presented in parallel sessions at the conference. Papers may be presented in Scandinavian languages as well as in English.

Please send abstracts before March 31 2011 to:

Read more about the conference

Av Luisa Klaveness (
Publisert 4. mars 2011 09:39