April 28–29 2025: Conference on Civil Society Studies

We welcome researchers working on civil society studies to Bergen, Norway for a working conference next spring.

The Centre for Research on Civil Society and Voluntary Sector, a collaboration between NORCE Norwegian Research Centre in Bergen and the Institute for Social Research in Oslo will be this year’s hosts. The conference will take place in NORCE’s offices in Bergen.  
It is our aim that the conference will facilitate quality academic discussions on contemporary civil society in European societies. 

We are looking for papers that cover a broad range of topics, including but not limited to studies on engagement and volunteering, organization and mobilization, cross-sector collaboration and co-production, social movements and NGOs, power and resource inequalities between civil society actors, as well as advocacy and philanthropic actors and activities. Papers may be theoretical or empirical in nature. 

See the Call for papers here (.pdf).


Abstract Submissions

Abstract of no more than 500 words (not including references) must include:

  • A working title
  • A statement of the empirical or theoretical concern
  • A short summary locating the concern within a wider literature
  • A concise account of the empirical or theoretical methodological approach
  • The main arguments of the paper and an indication of the supporting evidence
  • A statement of the main conclusions and their relevance to an international audience.

Submission forms will be made available early autumn 2024. 

Practical information

We will provide information about accommodation, location and other practicalities later this year. 

Conference committee and contacts

Håkon Solbu Trætteberg h.s.tratteberg@samfunnsforskning.no

Tord Skogedal Lindén toli@norceresearch.no

Kristin Strømsnes kristin.stromsnes@uib.no

Ivar Eimhjellen ivei@norceresearch.no

Bernard Enjolras bernard.enjolras@samfunnsforskning.no


You can sign up to the centre’s newsletter to keep up to date (in Norwegian).

Publisert 21. juni 2024 13:21 - Sist endret 21. juni 2024 13:49