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Media Poverty: mediebruk blant borgere som lever i fattigdom

Media Poverty undersøker mediebruk blant borgere som lever i fattigdom, med fokus på hvilken betydning mediebruk har for deres mulighet til å utøve medborgerskap.

Prosjektperiode Januar 2022–desember 2023
Oppdragsgiver Norges Forskningsråd
Prosjektnr. 10585 / NFR: 326033
Prosjektleder Torgeir Uberg Nærland

Dette er et partnerprosjekt. Se NORCE sine prosjektsider for mer informasjon.


Johannes Bergh Ph.d. Forskningsleder, Politikk, demokrati, sivilsamfunn 943 88 242 Send e-post


  • Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø & Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2024). News Avoidance and Poverty: Intersectional Marginalization in the Norwegian “Media Welfare State”. Journalism Studies. doi: 10.1080/1461670X.2024.2326075.
  • Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2023). Toward a Sociologically Enriched Understanding of Anti-Media Populism:The Case of Enough is Enough! International Journal of Communication. 17, s. 3091–3109.
  • Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2023). Toward a Sociologically Enriched Understanding of Anti-Media Populism: The Case of Enough is Enough! International Journal of Communication. 17, s. 3091–3109.
  • Nærland, Torgeir Uberg & Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2022). Beyond representation: Public service media, minority audiences and the promotion of capabilities through entertainment. Poetics. 92. doi: 10.1016/j.poetic.2022.101687.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Søholt, Rune & Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø (2023). Exploring poverty-incited barriers for mediated public connection: the case of Norway  .
  • Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2023). Media poverty: a conceptual framework for studying public connection in conditions of deprivation .
  • Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Søholt, Rune & Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø (2023). Exploring poverty-incited barriers for mediated public connection: the case of Norway .
  • Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2023). Exploring media use and public (dis)connection in conditions of poverty: a non-news centric approach .
  • Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø & Søholt, Rune (2023). Exploring poverty-incited barriers for mediated public connection: the case of Norway.
  • Søholt, Rune (2023). Beyond the material: exploring experiential dimensions of access to political content on social media.
  • Søholt, Rune (2023). Social media poverty - presentation for ECREA Doctoral Summer School.
  • Søholt, Rune (2023). Beyond the material - position paper for the New Frontiers in Global Digital Inequalities Research Workshop.
  • Søholt, Rune (2022). Social media practices and public connection in conditions of deprivation: Towards a typology of social media practice.
  • Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2022). Media poverty: A conceptual framework .
  • Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2022). Towards a sociologically enriched understanding of anti-media populism.
  • Nærland, Torgeir Uberg & Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2022). Beyond representation: Public service media, minority audiences and the promotion of capabilities through entertainment.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Emneord: Medier og offentlighet
Publisert 3. okt. 2023 13:55 - Sist endret 26. feb. 2024 12:23