Vilhelm Auberts minneforelesning

Vilhelm Auberts minneforelesning er et felles arrangement av Institutt for samfunnsforskning og Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi (ISS) ved UiO. Minneforelesningen inviterer fremragende internasjonale akademikere til Oslo for foredrag og debatt. 

Aubert-forelesningen har vært holdt årlig siden 1991. Fra 1996 har forelesningen bestått av et seminar ved Institutt for samfunnsforsknings lokaler i Munthes gate og en åpen forelesning ved Universitetet i Oslo. 

Formålet har vært å feire fremragende sosiologi og sosial analyse og på den måten markere arven etter nestoren i norsk sosiologi, sosiologen og juristen Vilhelm Aubert (1922–1988).

Tidligere vinner

1991: Robert K. Merton, Columbia University. The origin of the word “scientist” (2. september)

1991: Professor Raymond Boudon, Université de Sorbonne. Explaining Ungrounded Beliefs (3. oktober)

1992: Theda Skocpol, Department of Sociology, Harvard University. Theories of the Development of the Welfare State (23. oktober)

1993: Professor John H. Goldthorpe, Nuffield College, Oxford. Current problems of comparative macro sociology (29. september)

1994: Professor Robert Dahl, Yale University. A Democratic Dilemma: System Effectiveness versus Citizen Participation (5. september)

1995: Pierre Bourdieu, College de France, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. Physical Space, Social Space and Habitus (15. mai)

1995: Arlie Hochschild, University of California, Berkeley. Time as an Arena of Struggle (28. september) & Family, Work and Time as Locus of Symbolic Interaction (29. september)

1996: Carole Pateman, University of California, Los Angeles. Feminist theory and the enlightenment (6. september) & Democratization and citizenship in the 1990`s: The Legacy of T.H. Marshall (6. september)

1997: Professor Jürgen Habermas, Frankfurt, Tyskland. Normative Issues of Multiculturalism (18. september) & Beyond the Nation State: Reflections on the issue of Economic globalization (19. september)

1998: Professor Helga Nowotny, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich. The objectivity trap: on current changes between science and society (17. september) & The myths of the new: coping with the dynamics of scientific and social innovation (18. september)

1999: Ingen tildeling

2000: Richard Sennett, London School of Economics. Changing meaning of class. Forelesningen ble holdt i Gamle Logen, i forbindelse med ISFs 50 års jubileum. (8. februar)

2002: Neil Smelser, University of California. Interdisciplinarity in Theory and Practice (30. mai)

2003: Richard Swedberg, Cornell University. To Die for Others: Civic Heroism and Auguste Rodin's "Burghers of Calais" (13. september) & Conflicts of Interest in the Corporate Scandals of 2001-2002 (14. september)

2004: Professor Howard Becker, University of Colorado. Careers

2005: Steven Lukes. Questions about power: Lessons from the Louisiana Hurricane & Power and Domination

2006: Professor Nancy Fraser. Reframing Justice in a Globalizing World

2007: Nilüfer Göle: Islam challenges social science: revisiting private-Public

2008: Ingen tildeling

2009: Kathleen Thelen. Inequality and social solidarity?

2010: Hans Joas, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies at the University of Erfurt. The Axial Age Debate as Religious Discourse

2011: Anthony Giddens. The Future of Social Democracy

2012: Ingen tildeling

2013: Professor Craig Calhoun. The Public Sphere and its Problems

2013: Jeffrey Alexander. Struggling over the Mode of Incorporation: The Backlash against Multiculturalism in Europe

2014: Ingen tildeling

2015: Cass Sunstein, professor i juss ved Harvard University. Extremism and Free Speech (Fritt Ords lokaler i Uranienborgveien 2)

2015: Professor Luc Boltanski, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS).

On critique

2017: Professor Michèle Lamont, Harvard University
Symbolic boundary work. Se vår nyhetsartikkel.

2018: Patricia Hill Collins, Professor Emerita of Sociology ved University of Maryland.
Not Just Ideas: Intersectionality as Critical Social Theory. Se arrangementssiden.

2019: Andrew Abbott. «Pervasions: The Large Impact of Small Things». Se arrangementssiden.

2020 og 2021: Avlyst (Koronapandemien)

2022: Avlyst (sykdom)

2023: Gurminder K Bhambra, professor ved Universitetet i Sussex. The Trouble with (Racial) Capitalism. Se arrangementssiden.

Publisert 5. juni 2024 15:32 - Sist endret 27. juni 2024 10:19