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Completed project

Understanding the Role of Trust in the Institutions of the Welfare State (Truststate)

In the wake of New Public Management reforms, the role of trust in the public institutions of the Nordic welfare state has been politicized and entered the public debate in a previously unprecedented form.

Project period February 2020–December 2023
Project nr. 10422 / NFR: 302345
Project leader Christian Lo

The proposed study is designed to map and investigate how this new political interest in trust is currently being translated into political, administrative and professional practices within municipal welfare services in Norway and Denmark.

The ambition of the study, however, goes beyond investigating how new ideas and developments within public management affect the work and output of public organizations. Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach linking different theoretical approaches to the role of trust in public institutions, the project is designed to gain an understanding of the mechanisms that underpin vertical trust relations within public organizations and examine how these relate to horizontal trust relations, both between welfare professionals and between welfare professionals and citizens.

The proposed studied therefore aims to develop policy-relevant knowledge of how trust is reproduced by public welfare institutions and in the everyday work of welfare professionals, while also addressing major developments that may have an impact on the reproduction of trust. The project is organized through four different work-packages, each utilizing different methods and theoretical approaches towards fulfilling the primary objectives of the study. The main research objectives of the study are to:

  • Identify and explore the emergence reforms aimed at enhancing trust in public organizations.
  • Identify and explore the mechanisms relating vertical trust within public organizations to horizontal trust between welfare professionals, and between welfare professionals and citizens.



  • Haukelien, Heidi (2024). Institutions and trust. The rise and fall of trust in public elderly care. In Fagertun, Anette; Vike, Halvard & Haukelien, Heidi (Ed.), The political economy of care. Welfare state capitalism, universalism, and social reproduction.. Scandinavian University Press. p. 68–92.
  • Bentzen, Tina Øllgaard; Siverbo, Sven & Winsvold, Marte (2024). Keeping the magic alive: The multiple functions of magic concepts. Public Administration Review. doi: 10.1111/puar.13814.
  • Vike, Halvard & Lo, Christian (2023). Deconstructing equality in the Norwegian welfare state. In Dankertsen, Astri & Lo, Christian (Ed.), The End of Norwegian Egalitarianism? Limits and Challenges to a Cherished Idea. Universitetsforlaget. p. 25–42. doi: 10.18261/9788215059839-23-02.
  • Haukelien, Heidi (2023). Praktisk, analytisk kunnskap om demokrati og kommunal sektor. In Haukelien, Heidi & Lunder, Trond Erik (Ed.), Hvordan kommuner tenker - politikk- og praksisnær forskning i kommunale virkeligheter. Universitetsforlaget. p. 285–298. doi: 10.18261/9788215054544-23-14.
  • Siverbo, Sven Gunnar; Johansson-Berg, Tobias; Øllgaard Bentzen, Tina & Winsvold, Marte Slagsvold (2023). On the diffusion and implementation of trust-based management in Scandinavia: cross-country survey evidence. International Journal of Public Sector Management. doi: 10.1108/IJPSM-01-2023-0020. Full text in Research Archive
  • Lo, Christian (2022). Om institusjonell og mellommenneskelig tillit (og mistillit) i samarbeid mellom velferdstjenester. In Breimo, Janne Paulsen; Anvik, Cecilie Høj; Lo, Christian & Olesen, Esben Søndergaard Bruun (Ed.), Mot bedre samarbeid? Betraktninger fra studier av norske velferdstjenester. Universitetsforlaget. p. 38–54. doi: 10.18261/9788215045030-2022-03.
  • Vike, Halvard; Fagertun, Anette & Haukelien, Heidi (2022). Reconceptualizing States and Welfare in the North of Europe and Beyond. Nordisk tidsskrift for livskvalitet og bærekraftig velferdsutvikling. 1(1), p. 6–20. doi: 10.18261/njwel.1.1.2. Full text in Research Archive

View all works in Cristin

  • Lo, Christian & Breimo, Janne Paulsen (2023). Om kommunale tillitsreformer.
  • Lo, Christian (2023). Tillit som virkemiddel i styring og ledelse - et forskerblikk .
  • Lo, Christian (2023). Debatt i P2. [Radio]. NRK P2.
  • Lo, Christian & Winsvold, Marte (2023). Hvor blir det av tillitsreformen? Avisa Nordland.
  • Haukelien, Heidi (2023). Care crices and trust.
  • Breimo, Janne Paulsen; Vannebo, Berit Irene & Lo, Christian (2022). Walking the talk? Trust reforms in Norwegian Municipalities.
  • Winsvold, Marte Slagsvold (2022). Tillitsreform i kommunal sektor - hva og hvordan?
  • Lo, Christian; Winsvold, Marte Slagsvold & Waldahl, Ragnhild Holmen (2022). Understanding the emergence of trust reforms.
  • Lo, Christian & Bentzen, Tina Øllgaard (2022). Kva erfaringar har andre gjort seg ved innføring av tillitsreform?
  • Lo, Christian & Winsvold, Marte Slagsvold (2022). Om kommunale tillitsreformer.
  • Winsvold, Marte Slagsvold; Bentzen, Tina Øllgaard & Lo, Christian (2022). Seminar om tillitsreformer i kommunene.
  • Lo, Christian & Breimo, Janne Paulsen (2021). Trust reforms in Norwegian municipalities.
  • Lo, Christian (2021). Hvordan får måten offentlige tjenester styres på betydning for vår tillit til dem?
  • Winsvold, Marte Slagsvold (2021). Tillit og lokaldemokrati.

View all works in Cristin

Tags: Working Life, Welfare
Published Sep. 29, 2023 2:45 PM - Last modified June 26, 2024 1:43 PM