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Completed project

New Theoretical Perspectives on the Nordic Model of Work-Family Reconciliations

Project period 2013–2016
Project employer The Research Council of Norway
Project nr. 412.074
Project leader Elin Kvande (NTNU)

This is a joint project between the Department of Sociology and Political Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and the Institute for Social Research. The project is motivated by the Sociology evaluation panel (2010) who points out that research in he interface between organization and work, the welfare state and family, gender and sexuality constitutes some of the most important areas in Norwegian sociology; that it contributes to the international sociological research community; and that there is potential for further theorizing in line with the international interest in the Nordic model. The evaluation of NFR's program on Work life research (2009) gave both institutions (represented by this research team) favorable assessments and characterized them as being in the international research front.

On the one hand Nordic work-family policy is internationally understood as a modern-day utopia accommodating the needs of parental care giving and market work according to egalitarian ideals. On the other hand the success of the Nordic model of work-family reconciliation is rated as "half-full".

Structures and cultures continue to shape gendered agencies in ways that undermine gender equality in both private and public spheres. The project team will work with outstanding international scholars in the field aspiring to develop new understanding of the Nordic situation. Relevant theories are the cultural perspective, which sees the work/life balance as a question of everyday practical morality, and the institutional perspective where the organization between the state, market and family are in focus.

The study will be based on three ongoing empirical studies conducted by the research team:

  1. The flexibility of the father's quota in a multicultural Norwegian society.

  2. Is family-friendliness enough?

  3. The Norwegian model in international companies located in Norway.

The projects focuses on different levels of analysis. Together they will constitute the empirical basis for theorizing and international publication.


Sigtona Halrynjo PhD Senior Research Fellow +47 481 21 698 Send e-mail


  • Brandth, Berit & Kvande, Elin (2018). Masculinity and Fathering Alone during Parental Leave. Men and Masculinities. 21(1), p. 72–90. doi: 10.1177/1097184X16652659.
  • Kvande, Elin; Brandth, Berit & Halrynjo, Sigtona (2017). Integrating work and family : changing institutions and competing logics. In Brandth, Berit; Halrynjo, Sigtona & Kvande, Elin (Ed.), Work-Family Dynamics : Competing logics of regulation, economy and morals. Routledge. p. 1–16. doi: 10.4324/9781315716794-1.
  • Kvande, Elin & Brandth, Berit (2017). Fathers on Leave Alone in Norway: Changees and Continuities. In O'Brien, Margaret & Wall, Karin (Ed.), Comparative Perspectives on Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality. Springer Publishing Company. p. 29–45. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-42970-0.
  • Heggem, Gunhild Foss & Kvande, Elin (2017). Nordic work-family regulations exported to a liberal context. In Brandth, Berit; Halrynjo, Sigtona & Kvande, Elin (Ed.), Work-Family Dynamics : Competing logics of regulation, economy and morals. Routledge. p. 156–171. doi: 10.4324/9781315716794-10.
  • Smeby, Kristine Warhuus (2017). When work meets childcare: the competing logics of mothering and gender equality. In Brandth, Berit; Halrynjo, Sigtona & Kvande, Elin (Ed.), Work-Family Dynamics : Competing logics of regulation, economy and morals. Routledge. p. 89–104. doi: 10.4324/9781315716794-6.
  • Brandth, Berit & Kvande, Elin (2017). Fathers integrating work and childcare: reconciling the logics? In Brandth, Berit; Halrynjo, Sigtona & Kvande, Elin (Ed.), Work-Family Dynamics : Competing logics of regulation, economy and morals. Routledge. p. 70–86. doi: 10.4324/9781315716794-5.
  • Brandth, Berit (2017). The co-location of home and work in two generations of farmers: what effects on fathering practices? Families, Relationships and Societies. 6(3), p. 341–356. doi: 10.1332/204674315X14418885448328.
  • Kvande, Elin & Brandth, Berit (2016). Les pères congé parental en Norwège. Changements et continuités. Politiques sociales et familiales. 122, p. 11–18.
  • Brandth, Berit & Kvande, Elin (2016). Fedrekvoten som en del av likestillingspolitikken: Er jobben gjort? In Halrynjo, Sigtona & Teigen, Mari (Ed.), Ulik likestilling i arbeidslivet. Gyldendal Akademisk. p. 80–99.
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona & Teigen, Mari (2016). Ulik likestilling i arbeidslivet. In Halrynjo, Sigtona & Teigen, Mari (Ed.), Ulik likestilling i arbeidslivet. Gyldendal Akademisk. p. 13–36.
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona & Teigen, Mari (2016). Likestilling i framtidas arbeidsliv? In Halrynjo, Sigtona & Teigen, Mari (Ed.), Ulik likestilling i arbeidslivet. Gyldendal Akademisk. p. 299–309. Full text in Research Archive
  • Ingstad, Kari & Kvande, Elin (2016). Karrieremønster. In Ingstad, Kari (Eds.), Turnus som fremmer heltidskultur. Gyldendal Akademisk. p. 57–69.
  • Kvande, Elin & Brandth, Berit (2016). Individualized,non-transferable parental leave for European fathers. Migrant perspectives. Community, Work and Family. 20(1), p. 19–34. doi: 10.1080/13668803.2016.1270258.
  • Brandth, Berit & Kvande, Elin (2015). Parental leave and classed fathering practices in Norway. In Eydal, Gudny Björk & Rostgaard, Tine (Ed.), Fatherhood in the Nordic Welfare States. Policy Press. p. 121–140. doi: 10.2307/j.ctt1t894gw.11.
  • Børve, Hege & Kvande, Elin (2015). Den nordiske modellen i et internasjonalt selskap i Norge. In Alsos, Gry Agnete; Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Bolsø, Agnes & Ljunggren, Elisabet (Ed.), Kjønn og næringsliv i Norge. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. p. 195–210.
  • Eydal, Gudny Björk; Gislason, Ingolfur V.; Rostgaard, Tine; Brandth, Berit; Duvander, Ann-Zofie & Lammi-Taskula, Johanna (2015). Trends in parental leave in the Nordic countries: Has the forward march of gender equality halted? Community, Work and Family. 18(2), p. 167–181. doi: 10.1080/13668803.2014.1002754.
  • Børve, Hege & Kvande, Elin (2015). Internasjonalisering av arbeidslivet- norske spilleregler under press. In Bungum, Brita; Forseth, Ulla & Kvande, Elin (Ed.), Den norske modellen: Internasjonalisering som utfordring og vitalisering. Fagbokforlaget. p. 105–122.
  • Bungum, Brita; Forseth, Ulla & Kvande, Elin (2015). Internasjonalisering og den norske modellen. In Bungum, Brita; Forseth, Ulla & Kvande, Elin (Ed.), Den norske modellen: Internasjonalisering som utfordring og vitalisering. Fagbokforlaget. p. 13–33.
  • Kvande, Elin & Heggem, Gunhild Foss (2015). Den norske modellen i New York. In Bungum, Brita; Forseth, Ulla & Kvande, Elin (Ed.), Den norske modellen: Internasjonalisering som utfordring og vitalisering. Fagbokforlaget. p. 123–143.
  • Brandth, Berit & Kvande, Elin (2015). Fathers and flexible parental leave. Work, Employment and Society. 30(2), p. 275–290. doi: 10.1177/0950017015590749.
  • Bungum, Brita & Kvande, Elin (2015). Historien om kontantstøtten. In Bungum, Brita; Forseth, Ulla & Kvande, Elin (Ed.), Den norske modellen: Internasjonalisering som utfordring og vitalisering. Fagbokforlaget. p. 175–191.
  • Børve, Hege & Kvande, Elin (2015). The Nordic model in a global company situated in Norway. In Elg, Mattias; Ellström, Per-Erik; Klofsten, Magnus & Tillmar, Malin (Ed.), Sustainable Development in Organizations. Studies on Innovative Practices. Edward Elgar Publishing. p. 240–261. doi: 10.4337/9781784716899.00019.
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona & Lyng, Selma Therese (2013). Fedrepermisjon i karriereyrker. In Brandth, Berit & Kvande, Elin (Ed.), Fedrekvoten og den farsvennlige velferdsstaten. Universitetsforlaget. p. 222–237.

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  • Brandth, Berit; Halrynjo, Sigtona & Kvande, Elin (2017). Work-Family Dynamics : Competing logics of regulation, economy and morals. Routledge. 211 p.
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona & Teigen, Mari (2016). Ulik likestilling i arbeidslivet. Gyldendal Akademisk. 341 p.
  • Bungum, Brita; Forseth, Ulla & Kvande, Elin (2015). Den norske modellen: Internasjonalisering som utfordring og vitalisering. Fagbokforlaget. 326 p.

View all works in Cristin

  • Kvande, Elin (2016). Den norske modellen. Internasjonalisering som utfordring og vitalisering.
  • Kvande, Elin (2016). Kan den norske modellen overleve ? [Newspaper].
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona (2016). Work-family dynamics and the logics of competition, care and regulation.
  • Kvande, Elin (2016). Exporting Nordic Work-Family Policies to New York. Comparing Institutional and Organizational Practices in Reconciling Work and Family.
  • Kvande, Elin (2016). Mens Roles in Labour Market and Family-Work balance: Results and Recommendations.
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona (2016). Fatherhood, motherhood and the logic of career in a family friendly welfare state.
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona (2016). Vi kan gjere noe med tidsklemma. [Newspaper]. Dagbladet.
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona (2016). Mødre kjenner på dårlig samvittighet hvis de ikke får til å hente barna. [Newspaper]. Aftenposten, SIGTONA HALRYNJO.
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona & Kitterød, Ragni Hege (2016). Større kvote til far. [Newspaper]. Dagsavisen.
  • Kvande, Elin (2016). Home Alone Fathers. The case of Norway.
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona (2015). Kjønn, karriere og familieliv i møte med konkurranselogikkens spilleregler.
  • Kvande, Elin (2015). Norsk modell som sosial innovasjon.
  • Kvande, Elin (2015). Presentasjon av boka "Den norske modellen. Internasjonalisering som utfordring og vitalisering".
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona (2015). Exploring the Career Logic and fathers’ parental leave within the Nordic Model.
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona (2015). Kvinner begynner å jobbe i det offentlige når de får barn. [Internet].
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona (2015). To motstridende trender innen likestilling. [Newspaper]. Aftenposten.
  • Kvande, Elin (2015). The Nordic model meets the US liberal model-A Norwegian Company in New York.
  • Kvande, Elin (2015). Between familization and individualization-European fathers encountering "The father-friendly welfare state".
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona (2015). Fathers' Career and Parental Leave in Norwegian Elite Professions.
  • Kvande, Elin (2015). European fathers and individualized parental leave.
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona & Samuelsen, Tanya Marie (2015). Er det kvinnenes skyld? Dagens næringsliv.
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona (2015). Career logic, family-friendly opportunities and Gender Differences in Family-life among Norwegian Top-managers.
  • Kvande, Elin (2015). Statsfeminisme,ja takk!
  • Kvande, Elin (2015). Interactions between Organizational Behavior and Fathers' Quota.
  • Brandth, Berit (2015). Parental leave and classed fathering practices in Norway.
  • Kvande, Elin (2015). Kvoten (nesten) alle elsker. Adresseavisen.
  • Kvande, Elin & Brandth, Berit (2015). Jobben sluker pappapermen. Adresseavisen. p. 20–21.
  • Kvande, Elin (2014). Fatherhood in the Norwegian context.
  • Kvande, Elin & Brandth, Berit (2014). Fathering alone.
  • Kvande, Elin (2014). Twenty years with the Norwegian Father's Quota. Keynote.
  • Kvande, Elin (2014). Den farsvennlige velferdsstaten, perspektiv på utvikling i Norge.
  • Kvande, Elin (2014). Kontantstøtte versus Arbeidslinja.
  • Kvande, Elin (2014). Tar ut stadig mer pappaperm. Budstikka. p. 4–5.
  • Kvande, Elin (2014). Innvandrerfedre:- Fedrekvote er et gode. [Internet].
  • Kvande, Elin (2014). Kvotering som eksportartikkel. Adresseavisen.
  • Kvande, Elin (2014). Kvotering som eksportartikkel. Gemini.
  • Kvande, Elin (2014). Kvotering som eksportartikkel.
  • Kvande, Elin (2014). The Nordic modell in New York. Work-family reconciliations and gender Equality in the Intersections between State, Market and the Family.
  • Kvande, Elin (2014). Farsdiskriminering. Dagens næringsliv. p. 30–31.
  • Kvande, Elin (2014). Farsdiskriminering, Dagensnæringsliv.
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona (2014). Arbeidsliv og familieliv - Klassedelt og kjønnsdelt. In Reisel , Liza & Teigen, Mari (Ed.), Kjønnsdeling og etniske skiller på arbeidsmarkedet. Gyldendal Akademisk. p. 186–202.
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona & Lyng, Selma Therese (2014). Fathers' quota and career in Norwegian elite professions.
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona (2014). Exploring the Career Logic within the Nordic Model.
  • Kvande, Elin (2014). Impacts and changes in the Norwegian father's quota.
  • Kvande, Elin & Brandth, Berit (2014). Fathers between two care regimes. Immigrant fathers encountering the Nordic Model.
  • Brandth, Berit & Kvande, Elin (2014). Constructing male employees as fathers through parental leave regulations.
  • Brandth, Berit (2014). Småbarnsfedre jobber stadig mindre. [Newspaper]. Dagsavisen.
  • Brandth, Berit (2014). Frykter effektene av redusert pappaperm. [Newspaper]. Aftenposten.
  • Kvande, Elin & Brandth, Berit (2014). Fathers between two care regimes.
  • Kvande, Elin (2014). What is the case for Paid Parental Leave?
  • Kvande, Elin (2014). Effectiveness of quotas in parental leave schemes and Boards.
  • Kvande, Elin (2013). En myte at fedrekvoten er lite fleksibel. [Newspaper]. Aftenposten .
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona & Lyng, Selma Therese (2013). Pappaperm eller karriere? Dagens næringsliv.
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona & Lyng, Selma Therese (2013). Paternity leave in Norwegian elite professions.
  • Kvande, Elin (2013). Arbeisgivere bør tilby mindre deltid. [Newspaper]. Aftenposten.
  • Kvande, Elin (2013). vi frykter at det å fjerne fedrekvoten vil være å skru tiden tilbake. [Internet].
  • Kvande, Elin (2013). Menn bruker mer tid på familien. [Newspaper]. Klassekampen.
  • Kvande, Elin (2013). En norsk pappasuksess. Klassekampen.
  • Brandth, Berit (2013). Tøyeleg unntaksordning vil svekka fedrekvoten... [Newspaper]. Klassekampen.
  • Brandth, Berit (2013). Her er fedrekvoten like stor som mødrekvoten. [Newspaper]. Aftenposten.
  • Brandth, Berit (2013). Forskarar åtvarar mot fleksibelt uttak av pappaperm: Hindrar likestilling. [Newspaper]. Klassekampen.
  • Brandth, Berit & Bungum, Brita (2013). Styrker far-barn-forholdet. Dagbladet.
  • Brandth, Berit (2013). Fedrekvoten og den farsvennlige velferdsstaten.
  • Kvande, Elin & Heggem, Gunhild Foss, (2013). Den norske modellen i New York.
  • Kvande, Elin & Brandth, Berit (2013). En fleksibel fedrekvote for arbeidslivet?
  • Kvande, Elin (2013). Ny regjering. Fedrene taper. [Newspaper]. Dagbladet.
  • Kvande, Elin (2013). Tilbakeskritt å fjerne fedrekvoten. [Internet].
  • Kvande, Elin (2013). Disse vinner og taper på en blåblå regjering. Kjell Inge Røkke kan smile med de blåblå i regjering. Det kan ikke norske fedre. [Internet].
  • Kvande, Elin (2013). Mindre jobb og mer familie for far. [Newspaper]. Aftenposten.
  • Kvande, Elin (2013). Få tar permisjon uten kvote. [Newspaper]. Dagsavisen.
  • Kvande, Elin (2013). Forskere vil ha fedrekvote. [Internet]. UNIFORUM.
  • Kvande, Elin (2013). Fleksibilitet ødelegger fedrekvoten. [Internet].
  • Kvande, Elin (2013). Norske fedre klart tapere i regjeringserklæringen. [Internet]. økonomi/artice/744070.
  • Kvande, Elin (2013). Pappaperm og annen arbeidslivspolitikk i internasjonalt lys. [Internet].

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Tags: Gender Equality
Published Sep. 5, 2012 5:57 PM - Last modified Feb. 27, 2024 11:06 AM