Norwegian version of this page
Completed project

Between equality and efficiency: Work incentives, social redistribution and gender equality in the reformed pension system

Project period 2015–2017
Project employer Arbeids- og administrasjonsdepartementet; Norges Forskningsråd
Project nr. 10047
Project leader Axel West Pedersen

Project Aim

The aim of the project was to conduct and empirical investigation of the implications of the reformed pension system for benefit adequacy, social redistribution and gender equality while taking account also of the incentive structure provided by the new system of pension accrual.

Module A

The project has been organised in three modules: The first module (A) comprises studies of the incentive structure created by the new system of pension accrual as well as its possible effects on labour supply using available up-to-date register data for the adult Norwegian population (FD-trygd).

Module B

In the second module (B) we used the dynamic micro-simulation model (MOSART) developed by Statistics Norway to gain new insights into the distributive implications of the reformed system in a diachronic lifetime perspective. The sub-studies of this module included analyses of the intra-cohort distribution of pension benefits, the impact of family sensitive benefit components on the distribution of household disposable income, and how the redistribution life-time income achieved by the pension system is modified by social inequalities in life-expectancy.

Module C

The third module (C) used in depth qualitative interviews and web-based surveys to study the way individuals and couples relate to the new system of pension accrual both in terms of its perceived fairness, its expected adequacy, and its motivational effect on labour supply. We focused in particular on the mixture of what we call 'family sensitive benefit components' in the reformed system: credits for child rearing, bequest of pension rights between married spouses, and differentiation of minimum benefits between singles and couples.

Project Organisation

The project was carried out in collaboration between Institute for social research (ISF) and Statistics Norway (SSB).


ParticipantDegree PhoneE-mail
Harald Dale-Olsen Research Professor Dr. polit. +47 482 83 527 +47 958 08 463
Sigtona Halrynjo Senior Research Fellow PhD +47 481 21 698
Ragni Hege Kitterød Research Professor Dr. polit. +47 950 50 375
Pål Schøne Research Professor PhD +47 986 22 125
Elin Halvorsen (SSB)
Dennis Fredriksen (SSB)
Nils Martin Stølen (SSB)
Axel West Pedersen


  • Halvorsen, Elin & Pedersen, Axel West (2022). Is the National Insurance pension system progressive in a lifetime perspective? Søkelys på arbeidslivet. 39(1), p. 1–17. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-7989-2022-01-02. Full text in Research Archive
  • Kitterød, Ragni Hege & Pedersen, Axel West (2020). Deling av pensjonsrettigheter mellom ektefeller. Hva sier opinionen? . Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. 61(3), p. 199–221. doi: 10.18261/ISSN.1504-291X-2020-03-01. Full text in Research Archive
  • Koren, Charlotte & Pedersen, Axel West (2019). Kapittel 12: Inntektssikring i alderdommen. In Bay, Ann-Helén; Hatland, Aksel; Hellevik, Tale & Terum, Lars Inge (Ed.), Trygd i aktiveringens tid. Gyldendal Akademisk. p. 226–250.
  • Halrynjo, Sigtona; Kitterød, Ragni Hege & Pedersen, Axel West (2019). A woman’s cause? Popular attitudes towards pension credits for childcare in Norway. European Journal of Social Security (EJSS). 21(3), p. 241–261. doi: 10.1177/1388262719869065. Full text in Research Archive
  • Halvorsen, Elin & Pedersen, Axel West (2018). Closing the gender gap in pensions: A microsimulation analysis of the Norwegian NDC pension system. Journal of European Social Policy. 29(1), p. 130–143. doi: 10.1177/0958928717754296. Full text in Research Archive
  • Pedersen, Axel West; Hippe, Jon Mathias; Grødem, Anne Skevik & Sørensen, Ole Beier (2018). Trade unions and the politics of occupational pensions in Denmark and Norway. Transfer - European Review of Labour and Research. 24(1), p. 109–122. doi: 10.1177/1024258917748873. Full text in Research Archive
  • Stølen, Nils Martin & Nicolajsen, Stian (2016). Fordelingsvirkninger av pensjonsreformen :. Søkelys på arbeidslivet. 33(1/2), p. 24–44. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-7989-2016-01-02-02.

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  • Kitterød, Ragni Hege; Halrynjo, Sigtona & Pedersen, Axel West (2017). Rettferdig pensjon for individer og for par? Tilpasninger og holdninger til det nye pensjonssystemet i folketrygden. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive
  • Halvorsen, Elin & Pedersen, Axel West (2017). Closing the gender gap in pensions. A microsimulation analysis of the Norwegian NDC pension system. Statistisk sentralbyrå.

View all works in Cristin

  • Pedersen, Axel West & Halvorsen, Elin (2018). Pensjonsreformen – mellom likhet og effektivitet. Insentivstruktur og fordelingsvirkninger i ny folketrygd.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2018). Sverige øker pensjonsalderen - det bør vi også gjøre. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.).
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2018). Levealdersjustering av aldersgrensene. Argumenter for og et konkret forslag.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2018). Pensjonsreformen - hovedtrekk og uløste problemer.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2018). Pensjonsreformen – mellom likhet og effektivitet. In Forskningsrådet, NFR (Eds.), Evaluering av pensjonsreformen - EVAPEN : avslutningskonferanse, artikler fra prosjektene. Norges forskningsråd. p. 61–74. Full text in Research Archive
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2018). Partenes rolle i det norske pensjonssystemet.
  • Pedersen, Axel West & Hippe, Jon Mathias (2017). En norsk trygdehistorie.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2017). Pensjonsopptjening som insentiv til arbeid. Vil pensjonsreformen få oss til å jobbe mer?
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2017). Trade unions and the politics of occupational pensions in Denmark and Norway.
  • Halvorsen, Elin & Pedersen, Axel West (2017). Equity versus efficiency in public pension schemes: Compensating for joint work-family decisions.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2017). Stortinget bør rette opp pensjonsfeilen. VG : Verdens gang.
  • Halvorsen, Elin & Pedersen, Axel West (2017). Umoderne ytelser til etterlatte? Dagbladet.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2017). Hvor går Ny AFP? Fra columbi egg til gordisk knute, til....?
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2016). Likestillingsperspektiver på det norske pensjonssystemet.
  • Halvorsen, Elin & Pedersen, Axel West (2016). Closing the gender gap in pensions. A microsimulation analysis of the Norwegian NDC pension system .
  • Pedersen, Axel West; Dale-Olsen, Harald & Schøne, Pål (2016). Do NDC pensions increase labour supply? Evidence from the Norwegian pension reform.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2016). Disentangling the gender gap in pensions. A micro-simulation of the reformed Norwegian pension system .
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2016). Trends, needs and opportunities for Research. The case for Nordic comparisons.
  • Pedersen, Axel West & Halvorsen, Elin (2016). Closing the gender gap in pensions. A micro-simulation analysis of the Norwegian NDC pension system .
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2016). The Swedish pension reform. Just how bad is it? Comments from a Norwegian macro perspective.
  • Pedersen, Axel West & Halvorsen, Elin (2016). Closing the gender gap in pensions. A micro-simulation analysis of the reformed Norwegian pension system .
  • Dale-Olsen, Harald; Pedersen, Axel West & Schøne, Pål (2016). Do NDC pensions increase labour supply? Evidence from the Norwegian pension reform.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2016). Underregulering av løpende pensjon og avkortning av pensjon for gifte/samboende. Bakgrunn og politiske alternativer.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2016). Arv av pensjonsrettigheter mellom ektefeller. Noen synspunkter og resultater fra pågående forskning .
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2016). Utviklingen i ekteskapsmønstre blant etniske minoriteter i Norge og Danmark. Har den danske 24-års regelen faktisk virket? .
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2016). Mot et kvinnevennlig pensjonssystem?
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2015). Det svenske pensjonssystemet fra et nordisk perspektiv.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2015). Insentivstruktur og fordelingsvirkninger i et kjønnsperspektiv.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2015). Veivalg for offentlig tjenestepensjon. Noen innspill fra sidelinjen.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2015). Tjenestepensjon i et likestillingsperspektiv.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2015). Det svenske pensjonssystemet. Hvorfor brutalt sett fra Norge?

View all works in Cristin

Tags: Welfare, Working Life, Gender Equality
Published Sep. 19, 2014 10:42 AM - Last modified Feb. 27, 2024 10:34 AM