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Completed project

Municipal housing measures for children and youth

Project period December 2017–August 2018
Project employer Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet
Project nr. 10283
Project leader Hilde Lidén
Drawing of a house


Project Aim

The research project aimed to bring knowledge about municipalities’ responsibility for providing housing facilities to children and young people, including housing facilities for unaccompanied young refugees and for young people turned 18 who continue to receive support from the child welfare service.

The study mapped and described the different types of housing facilities offered, and identified the residents’ needs of support. The mapping further included the present competence and systems of quality assurance. The purpose was to provide knowledge-based input to a possible law or regulation of the regulatory requirements for approval, supervision and minimum standards.

Project Approach

The project consisted of:

  1. a monitoring study of the municipalities’ housing facilities to children and young people
  2. interviews with residents and staff
  3. interviews with key persons and professionals in relevant bodies, directorates etc. as the basis for recommendations on possible law regulation.


Lidén, Hilde; Trætteberg, Håkon Solbu & Ulvik, Oddbjørg Skjær (2018). Kommunale botiltak for barn og unge: En hvit flekk i velferdsstaten. Rapport – Institutt for samfunnsforskning. 2018:14.


ParticipantDegree PhoneE-mail
Hilde Lidén Research Professor Emeritus Dr. polit. +47 951 23 660
Håkon Solbu Trætteberg Senior Research Fellow PhD +47 920 54 308
Oddbjørg Skjær Ulvik (OsloMet)
Tags: Welfare, Migration and integration
Published Dec. 8, 2017 3:24 PM - Last modified May 22, 2024 2:02 PM