Norwegian version of this page
Completed project

It happened here. The Norwegian pension reform, process and content

Project period 2011–2014
Project employer The Research Council of Norway
Project nr. 410.094
Project leader Axel West Pedersen

The project consists of two modules. In Module A "The reform process: Arenas, actors and arguments" we will study the reform process as it unfolded before, under and after the work of the Pension Commission. Based mainly on interviews with key actors and document analysis we will attempt to describe, explain and evaluate the policy making process from different analytical angles. We will seek to explain how it was possible - in the absense of accute reform pressures - to reach agreement on a structural pension reform.

Our point of departure is a rational model of  policy making but we intend to extend this to take account of interest mediation, policy learning and aganda setting. We will make extensive use of a comparative perspective with a particular focus on similar Swedish and Danish reform processes.

Module B will evaluate the result of the reform process in terms of a comparative analysis focussing on two sets of output indicators. More precisely we will assess the relative success of the Norwegian pension reform in terms of fiscal sustainability and the adequacy of future pension benefits. The issue of fiscal sustainability will be analysed by using the tools of generational accounting, and we are here able to draw on existing research in a European context. The issue of benefit adequacy will be dealt with by analysing existing European data on present and prospective replacement rates for different typical workers and careers.


Mari Teigen Dr. polit. Research professor, Director CORE – Centre for Research on Gender Equality +47 482 07 137 Send e-mail
Axel West Pedersen


  • Ervik, Rune & Lindén, Tord Skogedal (2018). Pension System Sustainability in Norway and the UK. Reforms and Normative Dilemmas. Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift. 2(1), p. 8–25. doi: 10.18261/issn.2535-2512-2018-01-02.
  • Lundberg, Urban (2015). Åldrande och olja. Norsk pensionspolitik i internationell belysning. Arkiv. Tidskrift för samhällsanalys. p. 7–67. doi: 10.13068/2000-6217.4.1. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bay, Ann-Helén; Hagelund, Anniken & Pedersen, Axel West (2015). Trygdepolitiske dilemmaer: Effektivitet versus fordeling. In Bay, Ann-Helén; Hagelund, Anniken & Hatland, Aksel (Ed.), For mange på trygd? : Velferdspolitiske spenninger. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. p. 11–37.
  • Bay, Ann-Helén; Pedersen, Axel West & Teigen, Mari (2015). En kvinnevennlig pensjonsreform? Likestillingsperspektiver i den norske pensjonsreformdebatten. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. 18(3), p. 164–178. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hagelund, Anniken & Pedersen, Axel West (2015). To Reform or Not to Reform? Explaining the Coexistence of Successful Pension Reform and Sick Pay Inertia in Norway. In Engelstad, Fredrik & Hagelund, Anniken (Ed.), Cooperation and Conflict the Nordic Way : Work, Welfare, and Institutional Change in Scandinavia. De Gruyter Open. p. 220–242. doi: 10.1515/9783110436891-013.
  • Ervik, Rune & Lindén, Tord Skogedal (2015). The Shark Jaw and the Elevator: Arguing the Case for the Necessity, Harmlessness and Fairness of the Norwegian Pension Reform. Scandinavian Political Studies. 38(4), p. 386–409. doi: 10.1111/1467-9477.12049.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2013). Levealdersjustering av alderspensjonen - økonomisk ansvarlighet og usosial populisme. In Ketscher, Kirsten; Lilleholt, Kåre; Smith, Eivind & Syse, Aslak (Ed.), Velferd og rettferd : Festskrift til Asbjørn Kjønstad 70 år. Gyldendal Juridisk. p. 629–639.
  • Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd; Bay, Ann-Helén & Saglie , Jo (2013). The New Politics of the Welfare State? A Case Study of Extra-Parliamentary Party Politics in Norway. European Journal of Social Security (EJSS). 15(3), p. 249–272. doi: 10.1177/138826271301500302. Full text in Research Archive

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  • Ervik, Rune & Lindén, Tord Skogedal (2014). It happened here: The role of coordinative and communicative discourses in justifying the Norwegian pension reform. Uni Research Rokkan Centre.
  • Ervik, Rune & Lindén, Tord Skogedal (2013). Making people work longer. Comparing Norwegian and British reform processes, with a sidelong gaze to Sweden. Uni Rokkansenteret, Working Papers, 1-2013.

View all works in Cristin

  • Pedersen, Axel West (2016). 'It happened here'. Den politiske prosessen bak pensjonsreformen.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2015). Pension Reform in Norway. The Political Process.
  • Ervik, Rune & Lindén, Tord Skogedal (2014). The shark jaw and the elevator: Arguing the case for the necessity, benefits and fairness of Norwegian pension reform.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2014). Linking and closing of early exit routes as game changers. On the political charms and social dangers of benefit linking.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2014). The Norwegian pension reform. An incomplete miracle.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2014). Pensjonsreformen - et ufullendt mirakel.
  • Raffelhuschen, Bernd (2014). Demographic and economic sustainability of pension reforms in Norway Sweden and Germany.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2014). Pensjonssystemene i de nordiske land. Likheter og forskjeller.
  • Ring, Patrick John; Ervik, Rune & Lindén, Tord Skogedal (2014). Public pension as a 'springboard' or 'elevator'? Comparing concepts and symbolic tools in the UK and Norwegian reform processes.
  • Hagelund, Anniken & Pedersen, Axel West (2013). To reform or not to reform? Exploring the conditions for successful welfare reform through a comparison of pension reform and sick pay inertia.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2013). Arv av pensjonsrettigheter mellom ektefeller - hvorfor og hvordan?
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2013). Pensjonsreformen - et mirakel med brister.
  • Pedersen, Axel West (2013). Gjennomføringen av pensjonsreformen i Norge. Historien om et ufullendt mirakel.
  • Bay, Ann-Helén; Pedersen, Axel West & Teigen, Mari (2013). Et kvinnevennlig pensjonssystem? Om likestillingsperspektiver i den norske pensjonsreformen.
  • Ervik, Rune & Lindén, Tord Skogedal (2013). Why transparent or hidden strategies of pension age increases? Comparing Norwegian and British reform processes.
  • Lindén, Tord Skogedal & Ervik, Rune (2012). Why transparent or hidden strategies of pension age increases? Comparing Norwegian and British reform processes.
  • Ervik, Rune & Lindén, Tord Skogedal (2012). Why transparent or hidden strategies of pension age increases? Comparing Norwegian and British reform processes, with a sidelong gaze to Sweden.
  • Ervik, Rune & Lindén, Tord Skogedal (2012). Why transparent or hidden strategies of pension age increases? Comparing Norwegian and British reform processes.

View all works in Cristin

Tags: Welfare
Published June 14, 2012 11:05 AM - Last modified Feb. 26, 2024 1:13 PM