Norwegian version of this page
Completed project

Why Norway? International, national and human aspects on the arrival of asylum seekers

Project period 2008–2009
Project nr. 415.113

The number of asylum seekers that arrive to Norway and other European countries varies from one year to the next. In 2008 the numer of arrivals more than doubled in Norway. In this study we ask what causes these fluctuations. How do conditions in the applicants home countries, in the countries of transit, in the receiving region and in the host country influence the choice of destination? How, when and by whom is that "choice" made? And in what respect is it correct to talk about a choice given the circumstances?
The field of asylum is dominated by conflicting rights and interests. On the one hand the right of the asylum seekers to apply for asylum, and on the other the nation states right to control their borders and regulate who is to enter the country.
In this study we let the voices of asylum seekers, civil servants and NGOs be heard on the issue of Norway as a destination country. Why do the asylum seekers come to Norway and how is the Government operating to control the number of arrivals?


Jan-Paul Brekke Dr. polit. Research Director, Equality, inclusion, migration +47 918 79 903 Send e-mail
Published Dec. 2, 2008 3:45 PM - Last modified Feb. 26, 2024 11:41 PM