Norwegian version of this page
Completed project

Citizens' expectations of the municipality's role in facilitating participation in faith and life-stance based activities

How should the municipality safeguard citizens’ opportunities to express their faith or life-stance? In this project, we conduct a survey among citizens in Oslo about their expectations towards public authorities’ role in facilitating participation in religious and life-related services and activities (in nursing homes, in public schools and in other areas of social life).

Project period January 2020–February 2020
Project employer Tros- og livssynsutvalget i Oslo
Project nr. 10456
Project leader Daniel Arnesen
Girl praying.

Photo: Cason Asher/Unsplash


The background for the project is that the Faith and Life stance Council in Oslo wants to know more about the citizens' expectations of the municipality's provision for religious and life-view-related services. There is little existing data and other research on the topic and the project aims to obtain this through a survey.

Research question

How should the municipality make sure that all residents, including those who do not have membership in religious and religious communities, are safeguarded and have the right to have and exercise their faith in connection with residence in nursing homes, public schools and other social areas?

Data and method

Data is collected through an online survey among Oslo's inhabitants. Through the survey, we measure the citizens 'expectations of the public bodies' organization of religious and life-related services and activity, e.g. whether the municipality should facilitate participation in worship and other rituals or take into account specific food practices based in faith or religious tradition.


Vibeke Wøien Hansen PhD Senior Research Fellow +47 920 27 149 Send e-mail
Daniel Stoltenberg PhD Senior Research Fellow +47 415 57 586 Send e-mail
Tags: Civil Society
Published Feb. 19, 2020 12:55 PM - Last modified Feb. 27, 2024 12:42 PM