Norwegian version of this page
Ongoing project

The Electoral Diary Project (Valgdagbokprosjektet)

The Electoral Diary Project (Valgdagbokprosjektet) look at the election campaign from the voters' point of view. There are many research projects that look at how election campaigns take place, but few allow the voters themselves to have a say.

Project period 2019–2024
Project nr. 10119
Project leader Signe Bock Segaard

In the Electoral Diary Project, we get to study the voters' experiences. In the app Min Valgdagbok (My Electoral Diary), voters have the opportunity to write what they think about the election campaign. In the app they can describe what they think about the politicians, the media, who they want to vote for and which issues are important to them. It is up to them to decide what they want to write about. The project has previously been carried out at the Norwegian local elections in 2019 and the general election in 2021. Danish voters will also have the opportunity to participate in the project, as it will be carried out in connection with the upcoming general election to be held on 1 November 2022.

The election diary project is a research project carried out by researchers at the Institute for Social Research (ISF) in Oslo and Aalborg University in Denmark.

What are voters interested in?

The purpose of the project is to investigate how voters experience and evaluate election campaigns.

There are many election campaign surveys that map out how the election campaign takes place, but there are only a few that allow the voters themselves to have their say and take as a starting point the voters' own descriptions and perceptions. The purpose of the election diary project is to understand the election campaign on the voters' terms.

The participants contribute by writing a type of election diary - daily or when appropriate - in which they write in their own words and reflect on the election campaign, as they experience it. It is up to you to decide what you want to write about. What catches their attention and what are they interested in?

  • The behavior and opinions of parties and politicians
  • Important topics in the election campaign
  • Media coverage of events in the election campaign
  • Own political opinions
  • Which party you are considering voting for and why

Diary and questions about the election campaign and politics in one app

The voters who participate in the project must write their diary entries in an app called Min Valgdagbok (Danish: Min Valgdagbog)

Everyone who takes part in the project will also be asked to answer some questions about the election campaign and politics.

To write in Min Valgdagbok, voters must first give their consent to participate in the research project and for the project to process their information. All participants will remain anonymous and their privacy will be safeguarded. The project has previously been carried out at the Norwegian local elections in 2019 and the general election in 2021. The project will also be carried out in connection with the upcoming general election in Denmark, which will be held on 1 November 2022.

Click here for more information about the Danish Election Diary project.

The election diary project is part of the The Norwegian National Election Studies (NNES) at ISF.


Segaard, Signe Bock & Shamshiri-Petersen, Ditte (2024). Politisk tvivl og det svære valg: De tvivlende vælgeres fortællinger. I Hansen, Kasper Møller & Stubager, Rune (Red.), Partiledernes kamp om midten. Folketingsvalget 2022. DJØF ForlagSe oppføring i Cristin.




Tags: Elections and Democracy
Published May 9, 2023 2:32 PM - Last modified Feb. 26, 2024 7:25 PM