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Ongoing project

Welfare State Support and Political Trust: Integrating Economic, Cultural, and Policy Explanations (WELTRUST)

This is a partner project. See the UiO project page

Project period February 2020–December 2024
Project nr. 10420 / NFR: 301443
Project leader Staffan Kumlin

This project analyzes two sets of political orientations that help reveal if the policies and politics of mature welfare states enjoy popular legitimacy. One is "welfare state support", for example attitudes to government redistribution to groups in society (for example to "the old", to "the unemployed", or to various immigrant groups). The other orientation is "political trust"; this can mean satisfaction with democratic processes and trustworthiness of politicians and societal "elites".

We investigate how welfare state support and political trust depend on citizens' evaluations of "welfare state performance." Three such evaluations are considered. One is "outcomes" (how good public services and social protection are perceived to be). The second dimension is "procedural fairness" in welfare delivery (if people feel they are treated with dignity and respect, if authorities are seen as impartial, and if people can exercise influence and express views to public employees). The third dimension is "sustainability", i.e. beliefs about whether the state can afford to maintain services and benefits given fiscal challenges.

The project also investigates how these evaluations operate together with economic and cultural divisions in society. Perhaps culturally and economically alienating experiences fail to produce anti-system political responses as long as welfare state performance is perceived as adequate? Finally, the project studies factors that may explain why people evaluate performance in different ways, especially how are these affected by public sphere information emanating from different political parties and politicians. The project will collect a mix of experimental, longitudinal, and comparative data to answer these questions.

A number of research results from the first project year can be mentioned. Two articles address project questions concerning the role of outcomes versus procedural fairness in opinion formation. For example, De Blok and Kumlin (2021) assess the procedural fairness argument that citizens are not only concerned with welfare state outcomes but also assess the fairness of the processes of service delivery. The fairness perspective has usually been tested in so-called cross-sectional studies. By contrast, we use "longitudinal" over-time panel data on evaluations and experiences with welfare state institutions. The articles finds that both outputs (service quality satisfaction) and procedural fairness (experienced voice opportunities) affect political trust. Crucially, however, perceived fairness mitigates detrimental effects of poor outcomes. This is because procedural voice matters, especially for the formation of political trust among those dissatisfied with outcomes. In a similar vein, Tóth, Nemcok, and Spác (2021) study how voters perceive the use of "pork-barrel" politics, i.e. how political parties and candidates intentionally bias money distribution in accordance with their political aims in order to affect electoral behavior. Two survey experiments randomized exposure to fairness of the distribution and profit for the country. The suggest that once voters realize their profit from pork-barrel politics, they are less critical of unfair distributions of resources and the responsible decision-maker.

A further paper (Goubin and Kumlin 2021, conditionally accepted) illustrate the how the project studies the effects of political trust on support for the welfare state. Specifically, we study two possible effects. First, trust may buttress normative support, as measured by well-known items on general support for redistribution and "government responsibility" in specific areas. Second, political trust may ease concrete reform acceptance in the context of fiscal pressure. We analyse "longitudinal" data in a field dominated by cross-sectional analysis. The data offer standard measures of trust and support, and a newly developed multidimensional question battery tapping reform acceptance. We find cross-sectional as well as longitudinal support for hypotheses predicting that political trust buttresses normative support for redistribution to the unemployed and the poor (but has no effect on support for redistribution to the old). By contrast, there is some but clearly less support for political trust effects on reform acceptance.




  • Helgøy, Anna Nordnes (2024). Rethinking Part-Time Outsiders' Risks and Welfare Attitudes. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society. 31(2), p. 347–375. doi: 10.1093/sp/jxae001.
  • Van Hootegem, Arno; Helgøy, Anna & Nemcok, Miroslav (2024). Formative personal experiences: How benefit recipiency and income changes shape perceptions of system abuse. European Journal of Political Research. doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12685. Full text in Research Archive
  • Helgøy, Anna (2024). What sustains feminized part-time work at the gender equality frontier? Evidence from a vignette experiment. Journal of European Social Policy.
  • Kumlin, Staffan; Nemcok, Miroslav & van Hootegem, Arno (2024). Welfare state evaluations, normative expectations, and political trust: longitudinal evidence from Germany and Norway. Public Management Review. doi: 10.1080/14719037.2023.2297292. Full text in Research Archive
  • Kumlin, Staffan & Nemcok, Miroslav (2024). Perceiving welfare state sustainability: fiscal costs, group deservingness, or ideology? Journal of Public Policy. doi: 10.1017/S0143814X24000126. Full text in Research Archive
  • Finseraas, Henning; Haugsgjerd, Atle Hennum & Kumlin, Staffan (2023). Immigration and welfare state sustainability: whose perception is affected by fiscal cost cues? Journal of European Public Policy. doi: 10.1080/13501763.2023.2166572. Full text in Research Archive
  • Nemcok, Miroslav; Bosancianu, Constantin Manuel; Leshchenko, Olga & Kluknavská, Alena (2023). Softening the corrective effect of populism: populist parties’ impact on political interest. West European Politics. 46(4), p. 760–787. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2022.2089963. Full text in Research Archive
  • Nemcok, Miroslav; Wass, Hanna & Vesa, Juho (2023). Putting partisan influence into political context: How initial policy popularity and party attachment shape the effect of party cues. Party Politics. doi: 10.1177/13540688231191358. Full text in Research Archive
  • Syrstad, Tor Gaute & Aardal, Bernt Olav (2023). Politiske følelser i krisetider. In Bergh, Johannes & Haugsgjerd, Atle Hennum (Ed.), Politikk i urolige tider. En studie av stortingsvalget 2021. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. p. 247–275.
  • Haugsgjerd, Atle Hennum & Bergh, Johannes (2023). Explaining the Surge of the Populist Radical Right: A Time-Series Analysis of the Effects of Immigration and the Economy in Norway . Political Behavior. doi: 10.1007/s11109-023-09887-6. Full text in Research Archive
  • Haugsgjerd, Atle Hennum & Linde, Jonas (2023). Hvilken type demokrati vil norske velgere ha? In Bergh, Johannes & Haugsgjerd, Atle Hennum (Ed.), Politikk i urolige tider. En studie av stortingsvalget 2021. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. p. 180–203.
  • Langsæther, Peter Egge; Goubin, Silke & Haugsgjerd, Atle (2022). Subverted expectations and social democratic austerity: How voters’ reactions to policies are conditional on the policy-implementing actor. Electoral Studies: an international journal on voting and electoral systems and strategy. 80. doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2022.102529. Full text in Research Archive
  • Goubin, Silke & Kumlin, Staffan (2022). Political Trust and Policy Demand in Changing Welfare States: Building Normative Support and Easing Reform Acceptance? European Sociological Review. 38(4), p. 590–604. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcab061.
  • Kumlin, Staffan (2021). Quality of Government and Welfare State Support. In Bågenholm, Andreas; Bauhr, Monika; Grimes, Marcia & Rothstein, Bo (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of the Quality of Government. Oxford University Press. doi: DOI:%2010.1093/oxfordhb/9780198858218.013.35.
  • de Blok, Lisanne & Kumlin, Staffan (2021). Losers’ Consent in Changing Welfare States: Output Dissatisfaction, Experienced Voice and Political Distrust. Political Studies. p. 1–20. doi: 10.1177/0032321721993646. Full text in Research Archive
  • Nemcok, Miroslav & Peltoniemi, Johanna (2021). Distance and Trust: An Examination of the Two Opposing Factors Impacting Adoption of Postal Voting Among Citizens Living Abroad. Political Behavior. 45(2), p. 419–443. doi: 10.1007/s11109-021-09709-7. Full text in Research Archive
  • Tóth, Michal; Nemcok, Miroslav & Spáč, Peter (2021). I Don’t Like It Unless It’s for Me: Voters’ Perceptions of Pork-Barrel Politics in Central and Eastern Europe. Problems of Post-Communism. 69(6), p. 473–485. doi: 10.1080/10758216.2021.1914111. Full text in Research Archive
  • Kumlin, Staffan; Goerres, Achim & Spies, Dennis C. (2021). Public Attitudes. In Béland, Daniel; Morgan, Kimberly J.; Obinger, Herbert & Pierson, Christopher (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press.

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  • Gherghina, Sergiu & Nemcok, Miroslav (2023). Political Parties and Electoral Clientelism. Palgrave Macmillan. 135 p.
  • Kumlin, Staffan & Goerres, Achim (2022). Election Campaigns and Welfare State Change: Democratic Linkage and Leadership Under Pressure. Oxford University Press. 224 p.
  • Spáč, Peter; Voda, Petr; Tóth, Michal; Nemcok, Miroslav & Hrbková, Lenka (2022). The Politics of Public Spending: Actors, Motivations, and Public Responses. Palgrave Macmillan. 207 p.

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  • Nemcok, Miroslav; Van Hootegem, Arno & Kumlin, Staffan (2024). Unfulfilled Expectations and Unexpected Help: How Initial Risks and Subsequent Welfare Benefits Jointly Shape Political Trust.
  • Nemcok, Miroslav (2024). Still the best form of governance: Nearly half of humanity gets to vote this year. How can democracy not thrive? Yliopisto.
  • Kumlin, Staffan (2023). Ryktene om venstre-høyrekonfliktens død. Morgenbladet.
  • Nemcok, Miroslav & Peltoniemi, Johnna (2023). The dilemma of postal voting. The Loop.
  • Kumlin, Staffan (2023). Når systemet skuffer: Tillit til velferdssystemet. [Internet].
  • Syrstad, Tor Gaute (2023). Om moralsk panikk. [Radio]. NRK.
  • Nemcok, Miroslav; Daoust, Jean-François & Ehin, Piret (2023). Satisfaction with democracy after winning and losing without elections.
  • Nemcok, Miroslav; Van Hootegem, Arno & Kumlin, Staffan (2023). Unfulfilled Expectations and Unexpected Help: How Initial Risks and Subsequent Welfare Benefits Jointly Shape Political Trust.
  • Syrstad, Tor Gaute & Myrtveit, Aase Cathrine (2022). Verdibørsen: Strømsinne: et nasjonal folk mot en global elite? . [Radio]. NRK.
  • Syrstad, Tor Gaute & Synnøve, Fonneland (2022). Pandemifrykten: Er vi på jakt etter syndebukker? [Business/trade/industry journal].
  • Syrstad, Tor Gaute & Støyva, Andreas Brattåker (2022). Strømkrisen er ikke bare et politisk spørsmål. Det er også en kamp om fortellinger, følelser og identitet. [Newspaper]. Aftenposten.
  • Syrstad, Tor Gaute; Segaard, Signe Bock; Holte, Arne & Skirbekk, Helge (2022). Tillit i vår tid - Samhold og trusler i kontekst.
  • Syrstad, Tor Gaute (2022). The educational gap of anger-based political activism in Norway.
  • Syrstad, Tor Gaute (2022). Working class fear and anti-immigrant attitudes in Norway.
  • Syrstad, Tor Gaute; Aardal, Bernt Olav & Bendiksen, Kristian (2022). Studio 2: Jevne demokratiske valg er ikke så tilfeldig. [Radio]. NRK.
  • Nemcok, Miroslav (2022). What Kind of Legitimacy? How Material Circumstances Make the Two Types of Welfare State Support Mutually Exclusive.
  • Nemcok, Miroslav (2022). Support for Redistribution vs. Political trust: How Material Circumstances Make These Two Types of Welfare State Support Mutually Exclusive .
  • Nemcok, Miroslav (2022). Support for the Welfare State among Benefit Recipients: A Revision of the Self-Interest Perspective .
  • Nemcok, Miroslav; Daoust, Jean-François & Ehin, Piret (2022). When Winners Become Losers: Impact of Between-Election Government Switch on the Winner-Loser Gap in Satisfaction with Democracy.
  • Nemcok, Miroslav (2022). Support for the welfare state among benefit recipients: A revision of the self-interest perspective.
  • Kumlin, Staffan (2021). Hva er tillit, og hva betyr det for velferdsstaten?
  • Nemcok, Miroslav (2021). Purchasing Legitimacy: Are Benefit Recipients More Supportive of Welfare State?
  • Nemcok, Miroslav (2021). Purchasing Legitimacy: Are Welfare Benefit Recipients More Supportive of Their Political System?
  • Gherghina, Sergiu & Nemcok, Miroslav (2021). Political parties, state resources and electoral clientelism. Acta Politica. 56(4), p. 591–599. doi: 10.1057/s41269-021-00216-5.
  • de Blok, Lisanne & Haugsgjerd, Atle (2021). Take a Chance on Me: Experienced Risk and Political Trust.
  • Haugsgjerd, Atle (2021). En europeisk vänstersväng? Om det norska valet.
  • Finseraas, Henning; Haugsgjerd, Atle & Kumlin, Staffan (2021). Immigration Cues and Perceived Welfare State Sustainability: Understanding Variability in Political Reactions to Fiscally Costly Immigration.
  • Kumlin, Staffan (2021). Tillit til forvaltningen og myndighetene. Hearing med OECD i samarbeid med Direktorat for forvaltning og økonomistyring v/Avdeling for forvaltningsanalyse (APA) .
  • Kumlin, Staffan (2021). Political Trust in Changing Welfare States: Bringing Performance Back In.
  • Kumlin, Staffan (2021). Political Trust and Policy Demand in Changing Welfare States.
  • Haugsgjerd, Atle & Linde, Jonas (2021). Vehicles of democratic dissatisfaction? Populist radical right electoral success and satisfaction with democracy in Europe 1976-2019.
  • Silke, Goubin & Kumlin, Staffan (2020). The Dual Function of Political Trust in Changing Welfare States: Building Normative Support and Easing Reform Acceptance .

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Tags: Elections and Democracy, Welfare
Published Oct. 2, 2023 2:28 PM - Last modified Feb. 23, 2024 9:03 AM