Norwegian version of this page
Ongoing project

The Norwegian Integration Barometer

Norwegian’s attitudes on immigration and integration.

Project period July 2019–2026
Project employer Integrerings- og mangfoldsdirektoratet (IMDi)
Project nr. 10254 / 10375 / 10704 / 10689
Project leader Jan-Paul Brekke
Logo for the Norwegian integration barometer

Project Purpose

In this project, we developed and expanded the academic scope of one of the main Norwegian surveys mapping the populations’ attitudes to immigration and integration. The Integration Barometer has been conducted since 2004.

Project Approach

This years’ version included new elements such as in depth questions on stereotypes and different types of immigration, and methodological state of the art field experiments.


The study was based on a broad scoped survey conducted among a representative population sample of 3000 net web-panel respondents. The Integration Barometer is part of the Directorate of Integration and Diversity’s effort to provide updated information on attitudes on immigration and integration. The study has been conducted in several waves since 2004, opening for analysis of trends in the attitudes among the Norwegian population in this highly sensitive policy field.


Brekke, Jan-Paul; Fladmoe, Audun; Hesstvedt, Stine & Wollebæk, Dag (2024) Holdninger til innvandring, integrering og mangfold. Integreringsbarometeret 2024. Rapport 2024:7. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Les hele rapporten i vårt vitenarkiv.

Brekke, Jan-Paul & Mohn, Ferdinand A (2018). Holdninger til innvandring og integrering i Norge: Integreringsbarometeret 2018. Rapport – Institutt for samfunnsforskning. 2018:8.

Main findings and infographics: The Norwegian Integration Barometer 2018 (in Norwegian)


Johannes Bergh PhD Research Director, Politics, democracy, civil society +47 943 88 242 Send e-mail
Jan-Paul Brekke Dr. polit. Research Director, Equality, inclusion, migration +47 918 79 903 Send e-mail
Audun Fladmoe PhD Research Professor +47 924 82 023 Send e-mail
Marjan Nadim PhD Research Professor +47 916 09 108 Send e-mail
Kari Steen-Johnsen PhD Research Professor +47 906 49 417 Send e-mail
Janis Umblijs PhD Senior Research Fellow +47 925 27 810 Send e-mail
Audun Beyer
Tags: Migration and integration
Published Jan. 22, 2018 1:07 PM - Last modified July 1, 2024 3:36 PM