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Ongoing project

Follow-up Evaluation of Norwegian Women's Public Health Association’s Kvinnehelsehus

In collaboration with the Norwegian Women's Public Health Association, the Institute for Social Research (ISF) is conducting a follow-up evaluation of the establishment of Kvinnehelsehus in four Norwegian cities. The project is funded by the Foundation Dam.

Project period 2024–2026
Project employer The Foundation Dam
Project nr. 10744
Project leader Vibeke Wøien Hansen

The follow-up evaluation will take place during the period 2024–2026. The Women's Health Houses (Kvinnehelsehus) are one of the Norwegian Women's Public Health Association's most complex initiatives and aim for cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration.

The houses are developed according to a common concept, but will differ in terms of premises design, sociogeographic location, partners, activities, staff and volunteer resources. The Institute for Social Research (ISF) will, in collaboration with the Norwegian Women's Public Health Association, evaluate the establishment and early phase of the Women's Health Houses in Bergen, Drammen, Kristiansand, and Oslo. As the Women's Health Houses are at different stages in the process, a follow-up evaluation can provide learning and valuable knowledge across the houses.

The evaluation has two objectives:

  1. Gather experiences and knowledge to best adjust the operation along the way.
  2. Develop a simplified methodology that can be used to monitor and evaluate activities in local associations over time.

Interviews and/or surveys with employees, volunteers, users and partners, as well as mapping of relevant research literature in the field, will form the basis for the evaluation, which will culminate in a final report in December 2026.


Vibeke Wøien Hansen PhD Senior Research Fellow +47 920 27 149 Send e-mail
Håkon Solbu Trætteberg PhD Senior Research Fellow +47 920 54 308 Send e-mail
Tags: Civil Society
Published Feb. 22, 2024 8:11 AM - Last modified Feb. 23, 2024 9:03 AM