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Ongoing project

Drivers of regional and economic development

The project addresses the role of regional business costs, public employment, the localization of technology and skills, and the impact of global competition for job creation at the regional level.

Project period 2016–2023
Project nr. 10142 / NFR: 255595
Project leader Harald Dale-Olsen

Under what regional circumstances, does the creation of a new job causes the creation of additional jobs? What is the role of technology and skills for regional development organisation, and what is the interplay between globalization and local conditions?

Norway faces complications in the form of a small population, generally sparsely populated regions and long distances, thereby highlighting peripherality costs, but also increasingly facing the dilemmas posed by agglomerations, expressed by growing large cities. Under such circumstances the reallocation and establishment of public sector jobs might spur private sector employment locally, and thus be an important device for supporting regional economic growth.

Similarly, policies for strengthening the Nordic model with its widespread collusion and bargaining between unions and employers, might have heterogenous impacts locally, thus yielding different outcomes when comparing regions and when comparing groups within regions. One such policy could be the tax subsidies for union membership which vary over time. The project utilises population-wide linked employer-employee data for the period 1992-2016.


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Harald Dale-Olsen Dr. polit. Research Professor +47 482 83 527 +47 958 08 463 Send e-mail
Pål Schøne PhD Research Professor +47 986 22 125 Send e-mail


  • Barth, Erling; Bryson, Alex & Dale-Olsen, Harald (2020). Hva betyr skattefradraget for oppslutningen om fagforeninger? Søkelys på arbeidslivet. 37, p. 109–123. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-7989-2020-01-02-07.
  • Dale-Olsen, Harald & Finseraas, Henning (2020). Linguistic diversity and workplace productivity. Labour Economics. doi: 10.1016/j.labeco.2020.101813. Full text in Research Archive
  • Barth, Erling; Bryson, Alex & Dale-Olsen, Harald (2020). Union Density Effects on Productivity and Wages. Economic Journal. 130(631), p. 1898–1936. doi: 10.1093/EJ/UEAA048. Full text in Research Archive
  • Finseraas, Henning (2019). Social democratic representation and welfare spending: A quantitative case study. Political Science Research and Methods. doi: 10.1017/psrm.2019.36. Full text in Research Archive
  • Dale-Olsen, Harald (2017). Labour demand and supply changes in Norway following an imposed harmonization of geographically differentiated payroll-tax rates. Labour. 32(2), p. 261–291. doi: 10.1111/labr.12119. Full text in Research Archive

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  • Barth, Erling; Finseraas, Henning; Kjelsrud, Anders Grøn & Moene, Karl Ove (Kalle) (2021). Does the Rise of China Lead to the Fall of European Welfare States? IZA Institute of Labor Economics.
  • Dale-Olsen, Harald (2019). Creative Destruction, Social Security Uptake, and Union Networks. IZA.
  • Dale-Olsen, Harald & Finseraas, Henning (2019). Linguistic Diversity and Workplace Productivity. IZA.

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  • Dale-Olsen, Harald & Finseraas, Henning (2019). Linguistic proximity and workplace productivity.
  • Dale-Olsen, Harald (2018). Wages, Creative Destruction, and Union Networks.

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Tags: Working Life, Welfare
Published Jan. 17, 2023 3:00 PM - Last modified Feb. 23, 2024 8:59 AM