Webpages tagged with «Elections and Democracy»

Published Sep. 28, 2023 9:46 AM

The project examines how much influence experts have over public policy, and how much power they ought to have.

Published May 9, 2023 2:48 PM

The project highlights people's institutional trust with a particular focus on institutions that are relevant to national security and national security interests.

the Sami Parliament
Published Feb. 23, 2021 7:49 AM
Published May 9, 2023 2:32 PM

The Electoral Diary Project (Valgdagbokprosjektet) look at the election campaign from the voters' point of view. There are many research projects that look at how election campaigns take place, but few allow the voters themselves to have a say.

image of crowd of people
Published May 22, 2019 2:16 PM
Published Jan. 14, 2014 11:22 AM

Elite unity and elite/mass correspondence or widended gaps?

Published Jan. 22, 2018 2:59 PM
Published Nov. 30, 2022 8:51 AM

Prejudice against Jews is a serious problem, and the Norwegian government has combined and strengthened its efforts against antisemitism through two action plans. This project evaluates the action plans for the period 2016-2023 commissioned by the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development.

Published June 21, 2017 9:41 AM

Meaning, contest and power

Published Nov. 8, 2022 12:55 PM

The aim of the project is to examine, systematize and analyze the experiences with various democracy initiatives in seven Norwegian municipalities – Bergen, Bodø, Lørenskog, Gjøvik, Sunnfjord, Suldal and Vadsø.

Published Apr. 9, 2015 8:46 AM
Published Apr. 1, 2014 12:35 PM
Published Jan. 17, 2020 11:37 AM

The umbrella project NORPOL is a collection of researcher-initiated sub-projects. The aim is to analyse whether Norwegian society is being polarized – and, if so, how.

Published Jan. 24, 2023 2:45 PM