Stine Hesstvedt

Image of Stine Hesstvedt
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Position Senior Research Fellow
Degree PhD
Contact +47 959 78 050

Interest in elections, democracy and expertise

Stine Hesstvedt holds a master's degree in political science and a doctoral degree in sociology from the University of Oslo (2021).

Hesstvedt research interests include the role of experts in public policy making, the politics of expertise, and issues related to policy advice and democratic decision-making more broadly. At the Institute for Social Research, she is part of the Norwegian National Election Study team, where she takes interest in questions related to political sociology and social cleavages.

Her research has been published in journals such as the Journal of European Public Policy, West European Politics, and Governance.

Tags: Elections and Democracy


  • Hesstvedt, Stine & Langsæther, Peter Egge (2023). Klassekonfliktlinjen fra 1950-årene til i dag. In Bergh, Johannes & Haugsgjerd, Atle Hennum (Ed.), Politikk i urolige tider. En studie av stortingsvalget 2021. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. p. 204–228.
  • Hesstvedt, Stine; Bergh, Johannes & Aardal, Bernt Olav (2023). Ideologi og polarisering ved stortingsvalget 2021. In Bergh, Johannes & Haugsgjerd, Atle Hennum (Ed.), Politikk i urolige tider. En studie av stortingsvalget 2021. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. p. 142–179.
  • Bergh, Johannes; Hesstvedt, Stine & Karlsen, Rune (2023). Sakseierskap og dagsorden ved stortingsvalget 2021. In Bergh, Johannes & Haugsgjerd, Atle Hennum (Ed.), Politikk i urolige tider. En studie av stortingsvalget 2021. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. p. 45–74.
  • Christensen, Johan & Hesstvedt, Stine (2023). The influence of expert groups: a citation analysis. Journal of European Public Policy. doi: 10.1080/13501763.2023.2174168. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hesstvedt, Stine (2022). Partisanship and science advice: Do the right prefer economists and the left social scientists? Party Politics. p. 1–14. doi: 10.1177/13540688221122330. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hesstvedt, Stine; Bergh, Johannes & Karlsen, Rune (2021). Kampen om dagsorden: et historisk tilbakeblikk på stortingsvalgene 1957–2017. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. 62(3), p. 273–292. doi: 10.18261/ISSN.1504-291X-2021-03-04. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hesstvedt, Stine & Christensen, Johan (2021). Political and administrative control of expert groups—A mixed‐methods study. Governance. An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions. doi: 10.1111/gove.12599. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hesstvedt, Stine & Christiansen, Peter Munk (2021). The politics of policy inquiry commissions: Denmark and Norway, 1971-2017. West European Politics. 45(2), p. 430–454. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2020.1858597.
  • Haugsgjerd, Atle; Hesstvedt, Stine & Karlsen, Rune (2021). Increased media choice and political knowledge gaps: A comparative longitudinal study of 18 established democracies 1995-2015. Political Communication. 38(6), p. 731–750. doi: 10.1080/10584609.2020.1868633. Full text in Research Archive
  • Finseraas, Henning & Hesstvedt, Stine (2020). Sosial ulikhet i valgdeltakelse før og nå. In Bergh, Johannes; Haugsgjerd, Atle & Karlsen, Rune (Ed.), Valg og politikk siden 1945. Velgere, institusjoner og kritiske hendelser i norsk politisk historie. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. p. 110–123.
  • Christensen, Johan & Hesstvedt, Stine (2019). Expertisation or greater representation? Evidence from Norwegian advisory commissions. In Krick, Eva & Holst, Cathrine (Ed.), Experts and Democratic Legitimacy. Tracing the Social Ties of Expert Bodies in Europe. Routledge. doi: 10.1080/23745118.2018.1515861.
  • Hesstvedt, Stine (2018). Redistributing Knowledge? How Institutions Affect Citizens’ Political Knowledge Levels: The Scandinavian Case Compared. In Engelstad, Fredrik; Holst, Cathrine & Aakvaag, Gunnar C. (Ed.), Democratic State and Democratic Society. De Gruyter Open. p. 94–117. doi: 10.1515/9783110634082-006.
  • Hesstvedt, Stine (2018). 'Ekspertifisering' av offentlige utvalg? En studie av akademikeres deltakelse i NOU-utvalg fra 1972 og til i dag. . Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift. 2(5), p. 381–400. doi: 10.18261/issn.2535-2512-2018-05-03. Full text in Research Archive
  • Christensen, Johan & Hesstvedt, Stine (2018). Expertisation or greater representation? Evidence from Norwegian advisory commissions. European Politics and Society. doi: 10.1080/23745118.2018.1515861. Full text in Research Archive

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  • Brekke, Jan-Paul; Fladmoe, Audun; Hesstvedt, Stine & Wollebæk, Dag (2024). Holdninger til innvandring, integrering og mangfold. Integreringsbarometeret 2024. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fladmoe, Audun; Brekke, Jan-Paul; Hesstvedt, Stine & Wollebæk, Dag (2024). Holdninger til innvandring og integrering før og etter Russlands fullskalainvasjon av Ukraina i februar 2022. Oppdaterte tall desember 2023 . Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bergh, Johannes; Hesstvedt, Stine & Karlsen, Rune (2022). Dagsorden og sakseierskap ved stortingsvalget 2021. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive
  • Saglie, Jo; Christensen, Dag Arne; Ervik, Rune; Hesstvedt, Stine & Segaard, Signe Bock (2022). Accessibility for disabled persons at the 2021 parliamentary election. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Rapport(2022:2). Full text in Research Archive
  • Hesstvedt, Stine (2020). The Politics of Expert Advice. A Study of Government's Use of Policy Advisory Commissions in Norway, 1972-2018. Doctoral thesis. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Hesstvedt, Stine & Karlsen, Rune (2017). Stortingskandidater : rapport fra stortingskandidatundersøkelsen 2013. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hesstvedt, Stine (2016). Ideology, Knowledge and Context. A multilevel study of "Political Sophistication" across 21 countries. Master thesis. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Kleven, Øyvin; Aardal, Bernt; Bergh, Johannes; Hesstvedt, Stine & Hindenes, Ådne (2015). Valgundersøkelsen 2013. Dokumentasjons- og tabellrapport. Statistisk sentralbyrå.

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  • Hesstvedt, Stine (2023). Tilgjengelighet for personer med funksjonsnedsettelse i norske valglokaler. Resultater fra et forskningsprosjekt i forbindelse med Stortingsvalget 2021.
  • Hesstvedt, Stine; Thau, Mads & Thesen, Gunnar (2023).  Blessing or curse? Issue ownership and green party performance in a climate change election.
  • Hesstvedt, Stine; Christensen, Peter Munk; Lundberg, Erik & Pronin, Kira (2023). Still the century of corporatism? A policy area perspective (Conference presentation).
  • Hesstvedt, Stine (2023). Comparing evidence use across ministries in Norway - A quantitative analysis.
  • Hesstvedt, Stine (2023). NOU-enes historie (1972-2022): Hvilken rolle spiller interessegruppene?
  • Hesstvedt, Stine (2023). Commissions in the Nordic countries: Trends and dilemmas.
  • Hesstvedt, Stine (2023). NOU-enes historie (1972-2022).
  • Hesstvedt, Stine (2023). NOU-enes historie (1972-2023).
  • Hesstvedt, Stine (2023). Mellom fag og politikk i 50 år: NOU-ene 1972-2023.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Hesstvedt, Stine (2023). When Are Women Used as Policy Experts? Theory and Evidence from Norway.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Hesstvedt, Stine (2023). When Are Women Used as Policy Experts? Theory and Evidence from Norway.
  • Hesstvedt, Stine & Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2023). When Are Women Used as Policy Experts? Theory and Evidence from Norway.
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Hesstvedt, Stine (2023). When Are Women Used as Policy Experts? Theory and Evidence from Norway.
  • Hesstvedt, Stine & Saglie, Jo (2023). Cross-cutting or overlapping? The urban-rural cleavage in a historical perspective.
  • Hesstvedt, Stine & Saglie, Jo (2023). Centre and periphery: a changing cleavage in Norwegian politics? .
  • Skorge, Øyvind Søraas & Hesstvedt, Stine (2022). The Gendered Politics of Policy Expertise.
  • Hesstvedt, Stine & Skorge, Øyvind Søraas (2022). The gendered politics of policy experts: Do governments appoint women to expert groups as much as men? .
  • Hesstvedt, Stine (2020). Populistene inn i embetsverket? Stat og styring. 30(1).
  • Hesstvedt, Stine (2019). Politicization of expert advice? Tracing political control with academic experts on policy inquiry commissions in Norway, 1973-2017. Conference paper.
  • Hesstvedt, Stine & Christiansen, Peter Munk (2019). The Politics of Technocratic Policy-Making. Conference paper.
  • Hesstvedt, Stine (2018). Controlling the Experts? A Study of Norwegian Public Advisory Commissions 1972-2016. Conference paper.
  • Hesstvedt, Stine (2018). Controlling the Experts? A Study of Norwegian Public Inquiry Commissions 1972-2016 (ECPR).
  • Hesstvedt, Stine (2017). Expertization of Policy Advice: A Cross-Sectoral Analysis. .
  • Aardal, Bernt; Bergh, Johannes & Hesstvedt, Stine (2015). Vinner man valget hvis man vinner flytvelgerne? Dagsavisen.

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Published Feb. 8, 2021 11:23 AM - Last modified May 28, 2024 10:46 AM