Inés Hardoy

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Position Research Professor
Degree Dr. polit.
Contact +47 472 45 113

Researcher focusing on the effects of welfare policies

Inés Hardoy has been at the Institute for Social Research since 1990. She has been a visiting scholar at the Center for the Study of the State and Society (CEDES) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in several occasions. She has a BA in Sociology from the University of Sussex, England, and a PhD in Economics from the University in Oslo.

Her main interests has been the effects of family policy, educational policy and labor market policy on labor market prospects, with special focus on vulnerable groups such as young people, immigrants, women and people with reduced work capacity.

She has represented Norway in the European Network of Experts in the field of Gender Equality (ENEGE) and has contributed as an independent expert in the EU's Mutual Learning Programme for several years. She has been a member of several of Norway's public inquiries. She is currently involved in several projects that overlap the fields of the labor market, education, and mental health.

Tags: Gender Equality, Welfare, Working Life


  • Hall, Caroline; Hardoy, Ines & von Simson, Kristine (2024). Policies for young adults with reduced work capacity. Labour market impact in Sweden and Norway. Journal of Population Economics. 37(1), p. 1–33. doi: 10.1007/s00148-024-00999-9.
  • Hardoy, Ines & von Simson, Kristine (2023). Pressing the right button—labour market odds for youth with mental illness. Journal of Education and Work. 36(7-8), p. 592–607. doi: 10.1080/13639080.2023.2289952. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bonesrønning, Hans; Finseraas, Henning; Hardoy, Ines; Iversen, Jon Marius Vaag; Nyhus, Ole Henning & Opheim, Vibeke [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2022). Small-group instruction to improve student performance in mathematics in early grades: Results from a randomized field experiment. Journal of Public Economics. 216. doi: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2022.104765. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hall, Caroline; Hardoy, Ines & Lundin, Martin (2022). Schooling in the Nordic countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nordic Economic Policy Review. p. 142–187. doi: 10.6027/nord2022-001.
  • von Simson, Kristine; Brekke, Idunn & Hardoy, Ines (2021). The Impact of Mental Health Problems in Adolescence on Educational Attainment. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. doi: 10.1080/00313831.2020.1869077. Full text in Research Archive
  • von Simson, Kristine & Hardoy, Ines (2020). Tackling disabilities in young age - Policies that work. IZA Journal of Labor Policy. 10(13). doi: 10.2478/izajolp-2020-0013. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hardoy, Ines & Zhang, Tao (2019). Fra flukt til etablering i det norske arbeidsmarkedet . Søkelys på arbeidslivet. 36(1/2), p. 55–78. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-7989-2019-01-02-04. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hardoy, Ines; Røed, Knut; von Simson, Kristine & Zhang, Tao (2018). Initiatives to Combat the Labour Market Exclusion of Youth in Northern Europe: A Meta-analysis. In Malo, Miguel Angel & Moreno Minguez, Almudena (Ed.), European Youth Labour Markets. Problems and Policies. Springer Nature. p. 235–251. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-68222-8_16.
  • Hardoy, Ines; Mastekaasa, Arne & Schøne, Pål (2018). Immigrant concentration and student outcomes in upper secondary schools: Norwegian evidence. European Societies. 20(2), p. 301–321. doi: 10.1080/14616696.2017.1402120. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hardoy, Ines; Røed, Knut; von Simson, Kristine & Zhang, Tao (2017). Effekter av arbeidsmarkedspolitikk rettet mot ungdom i Nord-Europa – en meta-analyse. Søkelys på arbeidslivet. 34(3), p. 167–181. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-7989-2017-03-02. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hardoy, Ines; Schøne, Pål & Østbakken, Kjersti Misje (2017). Children and the gender gap in management . Labour Economics. 47, p. 124–137. doi: 10.1016/j.labeco.2017.05.009. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hardoy, Ines; Schøne, Pål & Østbakken, Kjersti Misje (2017). Kjønnsforskjeller i ledelse: Kohort eller -livsløp? Søkelys på arbeidslivet. 34(1-2), p. 95–107. doi: 10.18261/issn-1504-7989-2017-01-02-06. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fevang, Elisabeth; Hardoy, Ines & Røed, Knut (2017). Temporary Disability and Economic Incentives. Economic Journal. 127(603), p. 1410–1432. doi: 10.1111/ecoj.12345.
  • Finseraas, Henning; Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2016). School enrolment and mothers’ labor supply: evidence from a regression discontinuity approach. Review of Economics of the Household. p. 1–18. doi: 10.1007/s11150-016-9350-0. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hardoy, Ines; Mastekaasa, Arne & Schøne, Pål (2015). Lærernes kompetanse og elevenes resultater: Er det noen sammenheng? Samfunnsøkonomen. 129(5), p. 50–57.
  • Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2015). Enticing even higher female labor supply: the impact of cheaper day care. Review of Economics of the Household. 13(4), p. 815–836. doi: 10.1007/s11150-013-9215-8. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2014). Returns to pre-immigration education for non-western immigrants: why so low? Education Economics. 22(1), p. 48–72. doi: 10.1080/09645292.2010.511846.
  • Barth, Erling; Hardoy, Ines; Schøne, Pål & Østbakken, Kjersti Misje (2014). Hva betyr høy yrkesdeltakelse for kjønnssegregering? In Reisel , Liza & Teigen, Mari (Ed.), Kjønnsdeling og etniske skiller på arbeidsmarkedet. Gyldendal Akademisk. p. 108–118.
  • Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2014). Displacement and household adaptation: Insured by the spouse or the state? Journal of Population Economics. 27(3), p. 683–703. doi: 10.1007/s00148-013-0469-5. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2014). Does the impact of plant closure on labour market attachment differ between immigrants and native workers across the business cycle? Empirical Economics. 46(1), p. 229–252. doi: 10.1007/s00181-012-0676-z. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2013). Does the clustering of immigrant peers affect the school performance of natives? Journal of Human Capital. 7(1), p. 1–25. doi: 10.1086/669680. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2013). No Youth Left behind? The Long-Term Impact of Displacement on Young Workers. Kyklos (Basel). 66(3), p. 342–364. doi: 10.1111/kykl.12025. Full text in Research Archive
  • Falch, Nina Skrove; Hardoy, Ines & Røed, Knut (2012). Analyse av en dagpengereform: Virkninger av forkortet dagpengeperiode. Søkelys på arbeidslivet. 29(3), p. 181–197.
  • Falch, Nina Skrove; Hardoy, Ines & Røed, Knut (2011). Mindre arbeidsledighet uten dagpengerettigheter? Søkelys på arbeidslivet. 28(1/2), p. 135–155.
  • Hyggen, Christer; Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2010). Arbeidsledighet. In Bay, Ann-Helén; Hatland, Aksel; Hellevik, Tale & Koren, Charlotte (Ed.), De norske trygdene : framvekst, forvaltning og fordeling. Gyldendal Akademisk. p. 273–296.
  • Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2010). Incentives to work? The impact of a 'Cash-for-Care' benefit for immigrant and native mothers labour market participation. Labour Economics. 17(6), p. 963–974. doi: 10.1016/j.labeco.2010.02.008.
  • Hardoy, Ines; Hyggen, Christer & Schøne, Pål (2010). Arbeidsledighet. In Bay, Ann-Helén; Hatland, Aksel; Hellevik, Tale & Koren, Charlotte (Ed.), De norske trygdene : framvekst, forvaltning og fordeling. Gyldendal Akademisk. p. 273–296.
  • Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2010). Kan billigere barnehage øke kvinners arbeidstilbud? Søkelys på arbeidslivet. 27(4), p. 410–426.
  • Hardoy, Ines & Zhang, Tao (2010). Innvandrere i arbeid : hjelper arbeidsmarkedstiltak? Søkelys på arbeidslivet. 27(4), p. 343–363.
  • Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2008). The family gap and family friendly policies: The case of Norway. Applied Economics. 40, p. 2857–2871.
  • Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2008). Subsidizing “Stayers”? The Effect of a Childcare Reform on Marital Stability in Norway. Journal of Marriage and Family. 70, p. 571–584.
  • Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2006). The part-time wage gap: How large is it really? British Journal of Industrial Relations. 44(2).
  • Hardoy, Ines (2005). Impact of multiple labour market programmes on multiple outcomes: The case of Norwegian youth programmes. Labour. 19, p. 425–467.

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  • Bolvig, Iben; Hardoy, Ines; Kauhanen, Merja; Røed, Marianne & Smith, Nina (2007). The labour supply of low-skilled – incentives in the unemployment insurance systems. A comparative description based on Nordic countries. Nordisk ministerråd. 142 p.

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  • Evensen, Miriam; Dale-Olsen, Harald; Hardoy, Ines & Wentzel, Mirjam (2024). Registerdataanalyse: sykefravær, inkludering og frafall fra arbeidslivet. Delrapport 2. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hardoy, Ines & Zhang, Tao (2019). The long and winding road - Labour market integration of refugees in Norway. Memorandum from Department of Economics, University of Oslo.
  • Bonesrønning, Hans; Finseraas, Henning; Hardoy, Ines; Vaag Iversen, Jon Marius; Nyhus, Ole Henning & Opheim, Vibeke [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2018). Pre-analysis plan: The Effect of Small Group Instruction in Mathematics for Pupils in Lower Elementary School. EGAP/OSF Registry. Full text in Research Archive
  • Cools, Sara; Hardoy, Ines & von Simson, Kristine (2018). Sosial bakgrunn, utdanning, arbeid og stønader til personer under 30 år med nedsatt arbeidsevne. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive
  • Østbakken, Kjersti Misje; Reisel, Liza; Schøne, Pål; Barth, Erling & Hardoy, Ines (2017). Kjønnssegregering og mobilitet i det norske arbeidsmarkedet. Institutt for samfunnsforskning.
  • Hardoy, Ines; Røed, Knut; von Simson, Kristine & Zhang, Tao (2016). A comparative analysis of the effect of policies to improve the labour market prospects of at-risk youth in North European countries. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive
  • Barth, Erling; Hardoy, Ines; Schøne, Pål & Østbakken, Kjersti Misje (2013). Lønnsforskjeller mellom kvinner og menn : Hva har skjedd på 2000-tallet? Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fevang, Elisabeth; Hardoy, Ines & Røed, Knut (2013). Getting Disabled Workers Back to Work: How Important Are Economic Incentives? IZA Discussion Papers no 7137.
  • Hardoy, Ines; Schøne, Pål & von Simson, Kristine (2010). Husholdningers tilpasning før og etter pensjonsalder. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2007). Lønnsforskjeller mellom kvinner og menn : Hvor mye betyr barn? Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hardoy, Ines; Røed, Knut; Torp, Hege & Zhang, Tao (2006). Ungdomsgarantien for 20-24-åringer: Har den satt spor? Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive
  • Dale-Olsen, Harald; Hardoy, Ines; Storvik, Aagoth Elise Lossius & Torp, Hege (2005). IA-avtalen og yrkesaktivitet blant personer med redusert funksjonsevne. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hardoy, Ines; Torp, Hege & Storvik, Aagoth Elise Lossius (2004). Hvem får mer og hvem får mindre? Effekter av nye beregningsregler for stønader til livsopphold under attføring og rehabilitering. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2004). Mindre betaling for færre timer? En analyse av sammenhengen mellom uønsket deltid og timelønn. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2004). I klemme mellom barneomsorg og karriereEn analyse av karriereutvikling for småbarnsmødre. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hardoy, Ines (2000). Young and unemployed, then what? : effects of Norwegian labour market programmes in the early 90's. Institutt for samfunnsforskning. Full text in Research Archive

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  • Hardoy, Ines (2019). Tackling disabilities in young age using supply side measures.
  • Hardoy, Ines; Hyggen, Christer & Schøne, Pål (2019). Arbeidsledighet. In Bay, Ann-Helén; Hatland, Aksel; Hellevik, Tale & Terum, Lars Inge (Ed.), Trygd i aktiveringens tid. Gyldendal Akademisk. p. 202–225.
  • Reisel, Liza; Østbakken, Kjersti Misje; Barth, Erling; Schøne, Pål & Hardoy, Ines (2017). Occupational Segregation in Europe - Dissentangling the Role of Paid and Unpaid Work.
  • Finseraas, Henning; Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2015). Free Childcare and Mothers' Labor Supply: Evidence Using a School Starting Age Reform.
  • Finseraas, Henning; Hardoy, Ines & Schøne, Pål (2015). Free Childcare and Mothers' Labor Supply: Evidence Using a School Starting Age Reform.

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Published May 19, 2017 4:33 PM - Last modified June 26, 2024 1:49 PM