Webinar: Civil Society Organisations (CSO) and Democracy in Europe

Advancing knowledge and recognition of CSOs’ contribution to society and democracy in Europe. This webinar is open to researchers, CSO practitioners and their stakeholders.

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In 2022, the French Institute for Civil Society Organisations launched, in partnership with the Maecenata Foundation, the Institute for Social Research, and the Mouvement associatif, a working group on Civil Society Organisations in Europe. This working group brought together 40 researchers and practitioners with mixed expertise from 16 European countries to shed light on CSOs in Europe, on their contribution to society and democracy, and on their needs.

Through this work, they have identified European CSOs priority knowledge needs, worked on a state of the art, and gathered a series of recommendations for a European research agenda on CSOs.

This webinar is open to researchers, CSO practitioners and their stakeholders, who are interested in: 

  • Discovering what CSOs need in terms of new and existing knowledge
  • Learning about key issues to reflect upon their practice, their advocacy strategy and their environment
  • Hearing different – academic, political, hands on – takes on these topics
  • A research and knowledge agenda on CSOs in Europe
  • Joining a research and knowledge network on CSOs in Europe

This webinar is co-organised by the French Institute for Civil Society Organisations, the Maecenata Foundation, the Institute for Social Research, and le Mouvement associatif.

It is part of a project funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and by the European Commission (access the project card).

Online – Webinar in French and English with interpreters
Programme: https://institutfrancaisdumondeassociatif.org/conference-europe/
LinkedIn event: https://www.linkedin.com/events/associationsetd-mocratieeneurop7039549061267386369/
Registration (free): https://framaforms.org/webinar-140423-registration-1677168619

Published Mar. 27, 2023 4:24 PM - Last modified Mar. 27, 2023 4:54 PM