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Rights Retention Policy

The institutional rights retention policy ensures that academic staff can always make the latest version of their accepted, peer-reviewed manuscripts (Authors Accepted Manuscript, AAM) openly accessible without an embargo, through self-archiving in the institutional research archive. 

With this rights retention policy, the Institute for Social Research (ISF) notifies publishers of scientific publications that accepted, peer-reviewed manuscripts from the institution's employees are made openly available online under a Creative Commons sharing licence. This applies regardless of later agreements with publishers and publishers. The policy also fulfills the requirements for open access publishing according to Plan S and is effective from January 1, 2024. 

Rights Retention Policy for the Institute for Social Research 

ISF wants scientific publications to be openly accessible. Scientific articles should be made openly available in open access publishing channels or open research archives. To achieve the institution's goal of open access, to comply with requirements from funders, and to simultaneously preserve researchers' right to choose the journals in which they want to publish, ISF has the following rights retention policy from January 1, 2024: 

  • ISF has a non-exclusive right to make all scientific articles authored by employees affiliated with the institution available with a Creative Commons license. 

  • Employees can exempt individual articles from this arrangement by request. The request for an exemption does not need to be justified. 

  • ISF makes scientific articles openly accessible in the institution's open research archive. For articles published openly with a Creative Commons license, the published version will be made available under the same license. For articles not published openly, the author's accepted manuscript will, by default, be made available with a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. 

  • The Director is legally responsible for interpreting the Rights Retention Policy and resolving disputes about its interpretation and application. 

The Rights Retention Policy applies to scientific articles submitted from January 1, 2024. Articles submitted before January 1, 2024, are not covered by the rights arrangement. 


The Rights Retention Policy was approved by the ISF board on September 18, 2023. 

Published Oct. 31, 2023 11:11 AM - Last modified Feb. 27, 2024 1:55 PM