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Ongoing project

Pay-roll mapping: A tool for a more gender equal working life?

A knowledge mapping of the activity and reporting duty in the Equality and Anti-discrimination Act.

Project period January 2023–December 2023
Project nr. 10716
Project leader Mari Teigen

This project is part of the CORE - Center for Gender Equality Research.

The purpose of this project is to establish a solid understanding of how the obligation for pay-roll mapping functions in practice. How is the reporting carried out, and what are the challenges for businesses? What opportunities exist to simplify the reporting process? Can the results of the mapping be made accessible to authorities and for research purposes? The project will consist of the following three parts:

  1. A systematization and content analysis of a selection of companies' annual reports. The aim is to assess whether and how businesses have conducted salary mapping in accordance with the Duty to Promote Equality and Prevent Discrimination, how they describe any salary disparities, and what measures they propose to correct any disparities.

  2. Qualitative interviews with businesses that provide guidance to employers on how to conduct salary mapping. What are the costs and challenges associated with salary mapping? What is the value for employers in conducting this mapping?

  3. Expert interviews with key stakeholders to assess existing digital solutions for salary mapping and consider the possibility of extracting and compiling the results for research purposes and for use by authorities.


Myklebust, Runa Brandal; Teigen, Mari & Tica, Nermina (2024). Gender pay reporting: a tool for a more equal working life? Report 2024:5. Institute for Social Research.


Runa Brandal Myklebust PhD Senior Research Fellow +47 481 80 013 Send e-mail
Mari Teigen Dr. polit. Research professor, Director CORE – Centre for Research on Gender Equality +47 482 07 137 Send e-mail
Nermina Tica MA Research Assistant +47 988 85 954 Send e-mail
Tags: Working Life, Gender Equality
Published Jan. 31, 2023 11:16 AM - Last modified Mar. 7, 2024 9:44 AM