Making gender balance from below

How to stimulate efforts to create a better gender balance in top positions at NTNU, given that presently, this balance is skewed in the favour of men and change is slow?

Over the past 35 years, the proportion of women in top research and management positions has seen an increase, yet the number of female professors significantly lags behind that of their male counterparts. This disparity is also observed in Norwegian universities, with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) having a somewhat lower proportion of women compared to other universities in Norway.

The aim of this work package is to improve the gender balance at the professor level (and other levels) by implementing measures, raising awareness and fostering learning. The intention is to gain more insight into what factors? contribute to creating an inclusive and attractive environment at the institutes for both women and men. Additionally, it aims to better understand different types of measures that contributes to improve gender balance across all levels.

This work package is funded by the Norwegian Research Council and NTNU and is a combined research and action research project, as well as additional funding from NordForsk through its inclusion in NORDICORE. Twelve departments at NTNU are participating in the action research project.

For more information about the project and an overview of all project participants, visit the project's own website.


Lagesen, V. A. & Suboticki, I. (2022). Department heads enacting gender balance policies: navigating voices of ambiguity and concern. Critical Policy Studies, 16(3), 333-351.

Lagesen, V. A. & Suboticki, I. (2023). Performing excellence and gender balance in higher education. Higher Education, 1-19.

Lagesen, V. A. (2021). How Heads of Departments Find It Meaningful to Engage with Gender Balance Policies. Science and Public Policy, 48(8), 582-591.

Suboticki, I. & Lagesen, V. A. (2021). Uncertain, collective, and heroic leadership approaches to gender balance change among local leaders in academia. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 44(4), 247-262.

Teigen, M. & Lagesen, V. A. (2023). Likestilling og kjønnsbalanse i akademia: Et lokalt lederansvar. Institute for Social Research



Vivian Anette Lagesen – Project leader PhD
Siri Øyselbø Sørensen PhD
Sofia Moratti PhD
Knut Holtan Sørensen PhD
Svandis Benediktsdottir  
Henrik Karlstrøm PhD
Guro Korsnes Kristensen PhD
Published Jan. 10, 2024 10:20 AM - Last modified Mar. 20, 2024 11:26 AM