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NORDICORE's Work Packages

Evaluation of gender equality policies – what works?

What gender equality measures are implemented in Nordic academic institutions – and do they work?

Gendered patterns of competence and hireability

How may we stimulate efforts to create a better gender balance in top positions at NTNU, given that presently, this balance is skewed in the favour of men and change is slow?

Making gender balance from below

How may we stimulate efforts to create a better gender balance in top positions at NTNU, given that presently, this balance is skewed in the favour of men and change is slow?

Mapping Academic Excellence and Evaluating Cultures

What is academic excellence, and how do we identify it? By analyzing recruitment processes in academia, this project will investigate the relation between excellence, gender and ethnicity.

Research careers and family

This work package studies gender differences in research careers and work-family balance. Where in the life-course and how do the research careers of women and men diverge?