The Gender Paradox in Academia: NORDICORE Closing Conference

The NORDICORE closing conference marks the end of our five-year Nordic Centre of Excellence, with presentations and discussions of key findings.

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The aim of the NORDICORE – Nordic Centre for Research on Gender Equality in Research and Innovation has been to better understand and explain the problems associated with gender inequality and lack of diversity in academic careers, and how these might be solved.

NORDICORE researchers will present key findings from their projects with a range of topics, including:

  • Existing measures to promote equality, diversity, and gender balance at Nordic universities, with a focus on what works.
  • Challenges to work-life balance among doctorate holders inside and outside academia. Findings include reasons behind decisions to leave or remain in academia, especially the significance of work-family balance considerations.
  • Recruitment processes and gatekeeping in academia. A close look at how candidates are evaluated, ranked, and chosen, and how considerations of gender and diversity play a role in shaping standards of academic quality.
  • The significance of gender bias in academia for the slow progress towards gender balance in top academic positions.

Finally, the conference will be a venue for open reflections and discussions on the future of equality and diversity in academia in the Nordic region.

Video stream


Asta Busingye Lydersen will lead the conference.

8:30 Registration and coffee/tea 

9:15 Welcome and introduction

  • Welcome from Mari Teigen, Director of CORE/NORDICORE, Institute for Social Research
  • Greetings from Arne Flåøyen, Director of NordForsk

9:30 Work-family balance in academia and beyond

Presentations by NORDICORE researchers

  • Exploring the sources of the gender gap in wages and careers among academics in Sweden and Norway by Karin Halldén, Associate Professor, Mälardalen University and Kjersti Misje Østbakken, Research Director for Work and Welfare, Institute for Social Research

Presentations and panel conversation by NORDICORE researchers led by Asta Busingye Lydersen:

  • Should I stay or should I go? Gender, family and the choice of leaving or staying in academia by Anne Grönlund, Professor at Department of Social Work, Umeå University
  • The Hurdles of Work-family Balance in Academia and Beyond by Sigtona Halrynjo, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Social Research

10:35 Break with coffee and fruit 

Presentation of the MUNCH Museum

10:50 Presentation of the MUNCH Museum

11:00 Academic hiring and promotion – understanding excellence and bias

Presentations by NORDICORE researchers 

  • Gender bias in academic recruitment? by Arnfinn H. Midtbøen, Professor at Department for Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo
  • Gender and career progression in the social science: An event history study by Mathias Wullum Nielsen, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen
  • Does excellence include diversity in academic hiring? by Marte Mangset, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo

Questions, comments and dialogue with audience

12:10 Lunch Break 

12:45 Equality policies in practice – what works?

Presentations by NORDICORE researchers 

  • National policies and gender mainstreaming in Nordic higher educationby Liza Reisel, Research Professor, Institute for Social Research
  • What policies are implemented in Nordic universities and what policies work? by Ida Drange, Research Professor, Oslo Metropolitan University
  • Gender equality policies from below by Vivian Anette Lagesen, professor at the department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, NTNU 

13:30 Discussion on policy and what works?

Reflections with Ann-Charlotte Callerstig, researcher at Örebro University, Curt Rice, rector of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Anette Borchorst, Aalborg University, and Mari Teigen, Director of CORE/NORDICORE, Institute for Social Research.



Registration deadline to attend the conference at MUNCH is 10 February 2023. The registration is free and open to all. The number of participants at MUNCH is limited, and registrations will be handled on a first come, first served basis.

Register for the conference by filling out the form below, or click here.


NORDICORE is a Nordic Center of NORDICOREExcellence, a part of the CORE – Center for Gender Equality Research at the Institute for Social Research and is led by Mari Teigen.

NORDICORE studies key issues that can help us understand and explain what promotes or inhibits gender balance and gender equality in academia and research.

The center consists of six work packages with different issues related to gender balance in the academia.


NORDICORE is a five-year Nordic Center of Excellence, funded by NordForsk.

Tags: Gender Equality
Published Dec. 19, 2022 4:27 PM - Last modified June 27, 2024 10:55 AM