Nettsider med emneord «Gender Equality»

Illustrasjon av seks personer som jobber rundt et bord, med teksten "The gender paradox in academia: NORDICORE final conference".
Publisert 19. des. 2022 16:27

The NORDICORE closing conference marks the end of our five-year Nordic Centre of Excellence, with presentations and discussions of key findings.

Illustration photo of two women and two men and a scale
Publisert 22. sep. 2020 15:46

The proportion of women in lead positions in Norwegian companies is slowly increasing, but having gender quota legislation on boards does not seem to have any transmissive effect on the proportion of women on executive committees. These are some of the findings from this year’s CORE Norwegian Gender Balance Scorecard.

Publisert 22. sep. 2020 10:22

The NORDICORE center has researched gender balance in academia since 2017. In this annual report, we present some of the most important research results in 2019.

Gender equality
Publisert 2. juni 2021 14:25

In recent years, a tendency towards increasing equality scepticism and antifeminism has been observed in a number of countries. This is not the case in Norway – on the contrary.

Illustration of a man and a woman
Publisert 8. mars 2021 06:52

Here are five facts about gender equality in Norway for International Women’s Day 2021.

Business men and women
Publisert 5. mai 2021 15:21

Gender balance at the top of the business world: Obstacles and opportunities.

The project is part of CORE – Centre for Research on Gender Equality

Publisert 14. apr. 2023 13:06

CORE Gender Balance Scorecard monitors the gender distribution in the top management groups in the largest Norwegian enterprises and follows the development over time.

Illustration of a man and a woman on a career ladder
Publisert 7. nov. 2022 12:40

The project summarizes existing knowledge about gender balance in boards and management in Norwegian business life. It also contributes with an assessment of how the measures to promote such gender balance have worked.

Bilde av spillebrikker og penger
Publisert 19. des. 2017 10:40
Image of man and woman in business attire balancing
Publisert 19. feb. 2019 10:31

Not wanted, not able or not willing? About culture, career choices, opportunities and valuation of competence and responsibility.

illustration of man and woman on stacked coins
Publisert 25. mars 2019 11:13
Publisert 11. juli 2019 14:59
Publisert 31. jan. 2023 11:16

A knowledge mapping of the activity and reporting duty in the Equality and Anti-discrimination Act.

Publisert 20. sep. 2017 15:45
Publisert 29. okt. 2021 12:08

Towards equal opportunities?

The project is part of CORE – Centre for Research on Gender Equality

Illustration of a business man and a business woman climbing ladders
Publisert 2. mai 2022 12:43

The study examines attitudes, ambitions and conditions for careers among employees of ten large and mid-sized companies in various industries. Nine main findings highlight a paradox: There are equal attitudes and commitment, but gender differences in careers remain.

Publisert 2. juni 2021 14:15

In recent years, a tendency towards increasing equality scepticism and antifeminism has been observed in a number of countries. This is not the case in Norway – on the contrary.